Computers, Society and Professionalism

Module code: CO3101

In this module we will look at the Information Society and Information Revolution, and explore the effect that computers and IT have had on employment in general; looking at corporate organisations and individual jobs, analysing and evaluating example scenarios. We will look at the impact that the computer revolution has had on the conditions of work and life in contemporary society – such as the usage of social networking sites, the impacts that computers have on the economy and society, and we will discuss in depth topics such as equality and inclusivity in this context. We will also:

  • Describe human-computer interaction issues and their impacts of different IT-enhanced sectors such as healthcare, education, electronic commerce and environment.
  • Discuss, explain and analyse social, legal and ethical issues in the realm of Informatics. Explore issues surrounding information access rights, and explain issues of access such as privacy and security, the inequality that can arise, and the impacts on society – solving problems related to these topics.
  • Outline a history of digital computing and analyse events and consequences.
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