Spectroscopy Theory and Practice

Module code: CH2200

Spectroscopy is the study of the relationship between matter and electromagnetic radiation. It's important for a chemist - particularly those working in analytical and physical fields - to be adept at spectroscopy. Atoms and molecules have distinct spectra, which can be used to discover, classify and quantify information about a sample's elemental composition.

This module will introduce you to the theory and practice behind spectroscopy.

Topics covered

  • The nature of the transitions induced when specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation interact with molecules at a quantum level
  • Interpreting or predicting data (from more than one spectroscopic technique) to identify structural or bonding characteristics and/or determine the full structure of molecules
  • The analysis of molecular spectroscopic data and conducting calculations relating to the properties of molecules
  • Solving chemical identification and characterisation problems
  • Elements of symmetry and using these to determine point groups of molecules and predict vibrational spectra
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