- Scoring of applications
- UCAT: University Clinical Aptitude Test
- Interviews
- Mitigating circumstances
- Applicants with disabilities and learning difficulties
- Widening access and progression programmes
- Admissions statistics
- Suggested reading
Scoring of applications
Please note: we do not know what score will be required to be invited to interview as it depends on the quantity and quality of applications we receive.
Academic scoring
In considering your application, we will calculate a score for your academic ability, up to a maximum of 32 points, based on
your UCAS form.
Applicants with predicted A-levels
Applicants with predicted A-levels (or equivalent qualifications) will be scored on 8 GCSE qualifications.
Applicants with achieved A-levels
Please see scoring document for full information.
Applicants with a predicted or achieved degree
Applicants with a predicted or achieved degree will be scored on 3 A-levels and their degree
prediction or achieved classification.
Shortlisting for interview
Your academic score will be combined with a score based on your UCAT results, again up to 32 points, giving a maximum possible score of 64 points overall.
Your combined score will determine whether you are invited for interview. In order to distinguish between 'borderline' applicants, we may also take into account your 'personal qualities' based on your personal statement and reference, and contextual flags including UCAT bursary, GCSE school attainment 8, POLAR.
Because applications are ranked, there is no set score which guarantees an interview. The threshold will depend on the quality and quantity of applications we receive. We reserve the right to change our scoring systems at any time in order to rank applicants appropriately.
We will take into account mitigating circumstances such as health problems or educational disruption if you tell us about them and provide evidence before 1 October of the year in which you apply.
UCAT: University Clinical Aptitude Test
Before applying for a medical degree at Leicester Medical School you must take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT). This helps us to make a more informed choice from amongst the many highly-qualified applicants to our medical school, ensuring that the candidates we select have the appropriate mental abilities, attitudes and professional behaviour required for new doctors to be successful in their clinical careers. The UCAT does not contain any curriculum or science content.
The test is run by the UCAT Consortium in partnership with Pearson VUE, a global leader in computer-based testing and part
of Pearson plc. It is delivered on computers worldwide through Pearson VUE's high street centres. Significant issues arising during the testing are reported to us through annotations and we will consider these when scoring an application. We do not usually consider mitigating circumstances for UCAT.
We do not have a minimum UCAT score as such but it forms a significant part of our selection for interview. Those with a score in the lowest 2 deciles are very unlikely to score sufficiently to get invited to interview. Please browse our scoring criteria for the MBChB and the MBChB with Foundation Year above.
Please note: applicants with band 4 in the Situational Judgement Test will be automatically rejected pre-interview.
Applicants with a medical condition or disability
If you are normally entitled to additional time for exams based upon a medical diagnosis or report from a specialist teacher, you
are entitled to sit the UCATSEN (University Clinical Aptitude Test - Special Educational Needs). Relevant conditions include (but are not limited to) dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, attention deficit disorder or working memory deficit. Please refer to the Access Arrangements information on the UCAT website if you believe this may apply to you.
We will begin sending out interview invitations by email in late November and this will be an ongoing process until mid-February. Emails will be sent from medoffice@le.ac.uk - please check that our emails are not arriving in your junk mail folder (especially if you have a Gmail account).
For 2025 entry our interviews will be to face-to-face for our Home fee status applicants, but will remain online for our International fee status applicants. To ensure the process is fair some candidates may be asked to complete a formal fee status questionnaire before we proceed with any decision on their application.
We use the multiple mini-interview (MMI) style - consisting of a number of individual mini-interviews (or 'stations') which will assess your:
- Motivation to study medicine and genuine interest in the medical profession
- Insight into your own strengths and weaknesses
- Ability to reflect on your own work
- Personal organisation
- Problem solving
- Ability to deal with uncertainty
- Ability to manage risk and deal effectively with problems
- Ability to take responsibility for your own actions
- Conscientiousness
- Insight into your own health
- Communication skills, including reading, writing, listening and speaking
- Teamwork abilities
- Ability to treat people with compassion, respect and dignity
- Resilience and the ability to deal with difficult situations
- Empathy and the ability to care for others
- Honesty
- Emotional intelligence
- Ethical judgement
Each station will be scored and you will be ranked on the basis of the total scores. Where two or more applicants are equally ranked,
all aspects of your application may be used as a tie-breaker.
We regularly review our interview process and hence do not endorse and cannot recommend any interview courses.
Dates of interviews
Interviews will normally take place in December and January. The dates of interviews for the 2025 entry cycle are as follows:
- 9 – 18 December 2024
- 6 – 14 January 2025
- 27 – 29 January 2025
Please note: If applicants cannot attend any of the interview dates offered then please do contact us immediately. However, we may not be able to offer any alternative dates, nor be able to reschedule.
We reserve the right to alter our interview dates if other circumstances necessitate this.
After your interview, each of your stations will be scored and you will be ranked on the basis of the total scores. Your UCAS form including personal statement and reference, and consent form including health declaration and criminal record, will be reviewed at this stage by our selectors. On the basis of the thorough consideration of these, one of three decisions will be made:
- Offer: this will be conditional if you have not yet received your A-level or equivalent results, or if you require a formal Occupational Health assessment (see below).
- Hold: the decision about whether to make you an offer will be made once our position is clearer. However, all outstanding decisions become ‘reject by default’ by UCAS in May.
- Waiting list: in May any outstanding decisions are made ‘reject by default’ by UCAS. However, we will ask some candidates not holding medicine offers elsewhere if they would like to be placed on a waiting list. From this we may be in a position to make late offers through UCAS Extra, or offers on results day, or deferred offers, depending on our situation. Medicine is a capped course and we are penalised if we go over our numbers so we have to be cautious in our offer making.
- Reject
We will endeavour to send out decisions as soon as possible following interview, but please be mindful that our interview process spans a number of weeks, and there are a fixed number of places on the course. The timing of offers can therefore vary from early January to mid-May. If you do not hear from us immediately after your interview, this does not necessarily mean you have been rejected.
Mitigating circumstances
Applicant mitigating circumstances
Please note that the following information applies to 2025 entry. There may be slight changes to our mitigating circumstances procedure for 2026 entry, and these will be published by the end of June.
We aim to be as inclusive as possible and, therefore, will give due consideration to substantial mitigating circumstances that may have affected your academic achievement. Please view our mitigating circumstances guide, which applies primarily to our current students but also provides a definition of mitigation and depicts the kind of unusual circumstances which may constitute special consideration. Possible circumstances may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Personal health
- Close family health (first degree relatives or grandparents)
- Domestic circumstances
- Educational disadvantage
- Educational disruption (we would not consider the pandemic per se as this has affected everyone’s education)
It is essential that you submit mitigating circumstances as soon as possible if you believe that your academic achievement has been affected by any of the above, as we may be able take these issues into account when assessing your application. However, we will not accept academic qualifications below our minimum requirement. Accepted mitigation may mean we consider resits, or award bonus academic points (maximum 2).
You can apply by completing our mitigating circumstances form and sending any supporting evidence to medadmis@le.ac.uk with the email subject: 'Mitigating Circumstances Evidence - SURNAME_Firstname' e.g. Mitigating Circumstances Evidence - SMITH_John
Please note: In order for mitigation to be considered, an official letter must be provided by the relevant professional (school/college/university/health consultant/GP) to corroborate such circumstances. This letter should include the applicant’s full name and UCAS number. It should be printed on letter-headed paper, signed and dated. This should be submitted via email preferably with your UCAS number.
The evidence must explain:
- what the circumstance was
- exactly how it affected you in relation to your studies and
- precisely when it occurred (i.e. identifying which assessments were affected).
All mitigation and supporting documents must be received by 1 October in the year of application. If we do not receive mitigation by this date then it will not be considered and the scoring of the application will be carried out on the basis of no mitigation.
If mitigation is received by 1 September in the year of application we will give you a definitive response as to whether we will or will not accept the mitigation before the closing date for applications.
No decision on mitigation will be given via the telephone.
We do not usually consider mitigation for the UCAT test, but will consider this on an individual basis. UCAT does inform us of any issues that arise during the test, and significant annotations will be taken into account.
Please note that we will not accept GCSE results below our minimum requirements:
Grade B/6 (A100) or 5/C (A199) in English Language, Mathematics and Chemistry/Biology or Double Science even if you
have mitigation. However, we may accept re-sits in some cases, as described below.
English Language and Maths can be resat once without mitigation but resits in any Science subject will only be considered if
there has been prior agreement from the admissions tutor. To gain prior agreement you must email medadmis@le.ac.uk (A100) or medfound@le.ac.uk (A199) explaining what circumstances affected your
performance in your Science GCSE and providing relevant evidence. First sit and resit grades must be declared on your UCAS form.
A-levels over 3 years
Year 12 resits (first sit of A-levels after 3 years)
Candidates who for significant health or social reasons have taken 3 years to sit their A-levels for the first time will be considered, but this will have to have been formally agreed by the admissions tutors ahead of application. The latest date for receipt of requests will be 1 October in the year of application, and all requests, along with supporting formal evidence should be sent to medadmis@le.ac.uk. If you wish to receive a decision before the UCAS closing date we would need the evidence by 1 September for it to go to the mitigating circumstances panel in time.
A-level resits
Applicants who had not attained the required grades at first sit, will only be considered with resits if there is substantial mitigation that has been previously agreed by the admissions tutor. All mitigation requests should be sent along with formal supporting evidence to medadmis@le.ac.uk by 1 October. If the request is received by midnight of 1 September, we will provide a definitive response as to whether or not the mitigation is accepted before the UCAS closing date; after this date we are not able to guarantee that candidates will receive a response before the UCAS closing date.
Applicants with disabilities and learning difficulties
We encourage applications from candidates with disabilities. All applications will be considered according to the University's equal opportunities policy and taking into account the advisory guidelines in the welcomed and valued published by the General Medical Council. The Medical School will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments for candidates with disabilities.
However, it must ensure that all candidates will be able meet the core learning outcomes and competencies of the course, and be able to practice as a doctor on completion of the course. The GMC mandates that in order to be conferred a medical degree, and be registered by the GMC on course completion, doctors must be able to perform a number of mandatory practical procedures outlined in the GMC's document outcomes for graduates (PDF, 450kb).
Candidates should be assured that their application and interview performance will be scored without regard to disability or specific learning difficulties. However, we advise candidates with a disability to inform the Medical School as soon as possible when invited to interview so that reasonable adjustments for multiple mini interview stations can be discussed.
If you have a health issue, disability or learning difficulty which has not been declared on your UCAS form, please contact the Medical School in writing. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Some candidates will be asked to have a formal Occupational Health assessment as a condition of their offer. Although this is to ensure they are fit enough to start the course, it is mainly to see what reasonable adjustments should be made on the course; and to inform them of the support services available both as a student and as a doctor in training. In the very rare situation where, following an Occupation Health assessment, the Medical School are concerned that an applicant may not be able to meet the core learning outcomes and competencies, the admissions tutors will refer the case to a Fitness to Practise panel who will make a decision, independently from the admissions process.
The University of Leicester has extensive learning support facilities.
If you have any concerns or queries please contact us.
Further information regarding Occupational Health standards for Medical Students can be found on the Higher Education Occupational Practitioners website.
Widening access and progression programmes
For Access Leicester: Medicine or other UKWPMED progression programme: We will guarantee you an interview, provided you meet our minimum GCSE requirements (at first-sit); are predicted or have achieved (first gap year only) at least ABB in our required subjects without resits; successfully completed the progression programme; and have a UCAT in the top 7 deciles with a SJT 1-3. The A must be in Chemistry or Biology. Please state UKWPMED in the ‘Activities in preparation for Higher Education’ section on your UCAS form.
For Realising Opportunities Programme: We will guarantee you an interview, provided you meet our minimum GCSE requirements (at first-sit); are predicted or have achieved (first gap year only) at least AAA in our required subjects without resits; successfully completed the progression programme; and have a UCAT in the top 7 deciles with a SJT 1-3. Please state Realising Opportunities Programme in the ‘Activities in preparation for Higher Education’ section on your UCAS form.
Find out more about the approaches Leicester Medical School is taking to widen access to medical school from under-represented groups and students whose background may have prevented them from achieving their full potential.
Admissions statistics
Statistics for admission to the A100 Medicine MBChB course and A199 Medicine with Foundation Year MBChB course at Leicester Medical School. Please note that for A100, the scoring system was adjusted for 2024 entry onwards and therefore the scores required to secure an A100 interview in 2023 and earlier years are not relevant in relation to the current scoring system.
Please also note that 2025 statistics will not contain the statistics on our offers until all decisions are made.
Admissions statistics for previous years:
Suggested reading
Whilst we do not require any pre-reading before starting the Medicine course, our staff have compiled a list of books about medicine and working within healthcare.
- AJ Cronin, The Citadel
- Henry Marsh, Do No Harm
- Sue Black, All That Remains
- Dan Lieberman, The Story of the Human Body
- Peter Brown, Making it Stick
- Steven Rose, The Making of Memory, from Molecules to Mind
- Atul Gawande, Being Mortal
- Paul Kalinithi, When Breath Becomes Air
- Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain
- Oliver Sacks, Awakenings
Teach Me Anatomy is a useful online resource started by Leicester Medical students.
You will get online access to several of our recommended text books via the University library.