Library and Learning Services
New learning resources
Through consultation with the academic community the Library has purchased a range of resources during 2021/22 enabled by the allocation of money from the University, UKRI and the College of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities for one-off purchases.
These alongside our other learning resources contribute to the strategic themes of the University strategy.
- World Changing Research
- Research-Inspired Education
- Our Citizens
This investment in our learning resources has enabled the Library to build on its owned collections, invest in new tools to enhance multidisciplinary research, support our curriculum, support open scholarship and our diverse community. Strength and depth have been added across arts and humanities and the social sciences which will also benefit multidisciplinary research in the life sciences and the sciences
Historical newspapers
- Chicago Tribune (1849 to 2012)
- South China Morning Post (1903 to 2001)
Inclusive collections
- African Diaspora
- Struggles for Freedom: South Africa
- Royal Anthropological Institute Archive
- Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South 1919 to 2019
- Gerritsen Women’s History Collection
- Apartheid South Africa 1948 to 1980
Research methodology
SAGE Research Methods (SRM):
Digital scholarship
Journals, monographs and books for the social sciences, arts and humanities
- Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
- British Archaeological Reports (BAR)
- T&F Arts and Humanities Classic Journal Archive
- Cambridge University Press ebook collections for History, Law, Politics and International Relations, Archaeology and Literature
- 621 new books for College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Research Students
Completing already owned collections
- Digital National Security Archives (DNSA) modules 51-59
- Mass Observation Online modules III and IV
- Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South
Supporting Open Scholarship
- Directory of Open Access Journals Membership