Languages at Leicester


Spanish FlagWith 483 million native speakers, Spanish is the second most used language internationally, after English, and is second only to Mandarin in global native speakers. Today native Spanish speakers make up 7.6% of the entire population of the world!

It is an official language in 21 countries: pretty much everywhere from Mexico to Patagonia, except Brazil, one African country (Equatorial Guinea), and it is also spoken in the Philippines. In total 580 million people speak Spanish worldwide, including 75 million speakers with limited competence and 22 million of learners. More than 50 million people in the USA speak Spanish as a first or second language and it's also quite popular in Spain too!

Spanish is studied as a foreign language by 22 million students worldwide and it is highly regarded by employers.

Apply for Spanish Beginners Level 1
Apply for Spanish Beginners Level 1 Fast Track
Apply for Spanish Post-beginners Level 2
Spanish Post-beginners Level 2 Fast Track*
Apply for Spanish Intermediate Level 3
Spanish Intermediate Level 3 Fast Track**
Apply for Spanish Upper-intermediate Level 4
Apply for Spanish Upper-intermediate Level 4 Fast Track
Apply for Spanish Advanced Level 5
Apply for Spanish Post-advanced Level 6

*(Course available from January 2025)
**(Course available from May 2025)

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