English at Leicester

Spend a year abroad

At Leicester, we're big on local life. But at heart, we're a truly international university. We offer amazing opportunities to look beyond our walls and see the world differently. Several courses in English offer the opportunity of a year of studying abroad to experience a new academic climate and different cultures and lifestyles.

Learn more about Study Abroad

Don't take our word for it - it's a yes from our students

Ask students who have studied abroad if they'd recommend it to others, and you get a resounding "Yes!". Read what our students have been saying:

Sitting by the River Seine enjoying the Parisian landscape with a group of friends from different cultures and exchanging stories from home is something you don't do every day. Being able to experience a new culture, learn a new language and make international academic contacts are just a few of the opportunities open to you when on your year abroad.

Sumit, Year in France

Deciding to take up the opportunity of studying abroad for a year was by far the best decision I have ever made. Geneva was a beautiful if challenging place to live and the life lessons I learnt out there have really moulded me as a person. I have made friends that I know I will have for life and I've also had the opportunity to travel around Europe. Now that I am back I have realised that I have almost an unlimited and unique answer bank for interviews and job application questions, which is a massive advantage in the current employment market.

Jessica, Year in Switzerland

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