English at Leicester
Resources for schools
Staff in English are committed to presenting their work outside Higher Education, and to discussing research ideas beyond the university.
Our activities
- we give talks for school and sixth-form students
- we organise and take part in University ‘taster’ events
- we host and give public readings and events
- we get involved in local education projects such as the Right to Read campaign in nearby schools and the Toe by Toe reading and literacy project at HM Prison Leicester
We warmly welcome A-level teachers and students to attend lectures or workshops on subjects related to the A-level syllabus. Teachers and the public are welcome to attend the Centre for New Writing’s programme of events, and a wide range of research seminars in Creative Writing, Modern Literature, Victorian Studies, English Language and Linguistics and Medieval Studies.
Information for schools
We run taster workshops for school and college students through the University and Students’ Union. These courses provide participants with a taste of an English degree programme, with seminar subjects including:
- Creative Writing
- Medieval literature
- Romantic literature
- Contemporary literature
- Literature and gender
- The study of language
Participants also have the chance to garner insights into life as an undergraduate by meeting with current English students.
The event offers an ideal introduction to degree-level English.
- Contact schools@le.ac.uk with enquiries
Masterclasses offer an experience of learning designed to challenge the most able students in years 8 and 12. There is no fixed timetable for Masterclass events.
- Contact schools@le.ac.uk with enquiries
Teachers and students may also be interested in the resources provided by the English Association, which is hosted by the University of Leicester. The English Association exists to further knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the English language and its literatures and to foster good practice in its teaching and learning at all levels.
- Visit the English Association website