Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology 大连理工大学莱斯特国际学院
DLI Teaching Faculty
Professor Jingzhe Pan, Dean of the Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology
潘敬哲教授 大连理工大学莱斯特国际学院英方院长

Jingzhe Pan is a Professor of Mechanics of Materials in the School of Engineering at the University of Leicester.
Professor Pan obtained his BSc (1982) from the Shenyang University of Technology, MSc (1985) from the Dalian University of Technology (DUT) and PhD (1988) from the Shanghai Jiao-Tong University. From 1998 to 1990, he worked with Prof Qian Lingxi at DUT as a postdoctoral researcher. In 1990 he came to England as a visiting researcher in the Liverpool University. From 1991 to 1994, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Engineering Department of Cambridge University. From 1994 to 2006, he was a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and then Reader at the University of Surrey. He took up the chair in Mechanics of Materials at the University of Leicester in 2006. Prof Pan was the Director of Research for the College of Science and Engineering from 2011 to 2015, and Deputy/Interim Head of Department of Engineering from 2016 to 2019 at the University of Leicester.
潘敬哲教授于 1982 年在沈阳工业大学获得学士学位,1985年在大连理工大学力学系获得硕士学位,1988年在上海交通大学力学系获得博士学位。他1988-1990期间在大连理工大学师从钱令希教授做博士后研究;1990-1991年在英国利物浦大学任访问研究员;1991-1994年在英国剑桥大学工程系任博士后研究员;1994-2006年在英国莎理大学任讲师,高级讲师,副教授;2006年开始在英国莱斯特大学工程系任教授。潘敬哲教授曾任莱斯特大学理工学院科研副院长 (2011-2015,Director of Research),和工程系副主任,代主任 (2016-2019)。
Professor Pan is internationally renowned for his work in processing of advanced ceramics. He was awarded the 2018 Verulam Medal and Prize by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3) in recognition for his distinguished contributions to advanced ceramics. Prof Pan currently leads the digital manufacturing theme at the Midlands Industrial Ceramics Group (https://micg.org.uk/), which includes three Universities and eleven large manufacturing companies such as Rolls Royce ltd. He is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Advances in Applied Ceramics, the Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes and the Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics. Prof Pan’s other research interests include biodegradable medical implants and corrosion of engineering systems.
潘敬哲教授在工业陶瓷的研究上享有国际盛名。他于 2018 年被英国材料协会(IOM3)授予 Verulam 奖章及奖金以表彰他对工业陶瓷的突出贡献。潘敬哲教授目前担任英国中部地区工业陶瓷联盟(https://micg.org.uk/)制造数字化负责人。该联盟包括英国中部的三所大学和十一家大型企业,比如罗罗公司。他目前担任“工业陶瓷进展”,“先进材料及其制备过程力学”和”计算力学学报”等期刊的编委。潘敬哲教授的近期研究还包括可降解人体植入装置和工业系统的腐蚀等领域。