Centre for Systems Neuroscience


Dataset 1: Human single-neuron responses to associated items

Dataset 2: Human single-neuron responses to pictures and names of persons

Dataset 3: Example of continuous human single-neuron recordings to test spike-sorting algorithms

  • Quian Quiroga et al, "Unsupervised spike sorting with wavelets and superparamagnetic clustering", Neural Comput. 2004
  • Try wave_clus for spike detection and sorting of this data.
  • Download file (74Mb .zip)

Dataset 4: Simulated extracellular recordings

These simulated datasets are described in:

  • Unsupervised spike detection and sorting with wavelets and superparamagnetic clustering.

Where they were used for testing the spike-sorting algorithm. You should be able to reproduce the results of the paper and, eventually, compare wave_clus with other spike-sorting algorithms.

Dataset 5: Simulated extracellular recordings 

This dataset contains five simulations of 2' including the activity of one multi-unit and two single-units for different firing rates and signal-to-noise ratio levels. 

Dataset 6: EEG signals from rats

Each example contains 5 sec of a two-channel EEG recording at left and right frontal cortex of male adult WAG/Rij rats. Signals were referenced to an electrode placed at the cerebelum; they were filtered between 1-100 Hz and digitized at 200 Hz. Example A corresponds to a normal EEG and examples B, C, D and E contain spike-wave discharges.

We thank Giles van Luijtelaar and Joyce Welting for allowing their distribution. 

Dataset 7: Pattern visual evoked potentials

Each file corresponds to the recording on a different subject in the left occipital electrode (O1), with linked earlobes reference. Each file contains several artifact-free trials, each of them containing 512 data points (256 pre- and 256 post-stimulation) stored with a sampling frequency of 250 Hz. Trials are stored consecutively in a 1-column file. Data was pre-filtered in the range 0.1-70Hz. All trials correspond to target stimulation with an oddball paradigm (see the papers for details).

We thanks Martin Schuermann for allowing their distribution.  

Dataset 8: Tonic-clonic (Grand Mal) seizures

These files show tonic-clonic seizures of two subjects recorded with a scalp right central (C4) electrode (linked earlobes reference). It contains a total of 3 minutes with about 1 min pre-seizure, the seizure and some post-seizure activity. Sampling rate is 102.4 Hz (see the papers for more details). 

Dataset 9: Ongoing EEG activity

Five data sets containing quasi-stationary, artifact-free EEG signals both in normal subjects and epileptic patients were put in the web by Ralph Andrzejak from the Epilepsy center in Bonn, Germany. Each data set contains 100 single channel EEG segments of 23.6 sec duration.

A study of non-linear determinism of this data has been published in Phys. Rev. E.

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