Nursing with Leadership courses
Our unique Nursing degrees put leadership at the heart of your learning. You’ll gain the knowledge you need to qualify as a registered nurse - and also to progress further in the profession. You will study and work alongside other healthcare students in our superb facilities, gaining the tools and skills required for a career of lifelong learning in professional practice... -
Nursing with Leadership Dual Field (Mental Health and Adult Nursing) MSci
Nurses change lives, but they don’t work alone. Effective and efficient leadership is crucial to the smooth running of healthcare. On this four-year degree, alongside gaining core nursing skills and experience to become a competent dual registered nurse, you’ll discover what it takes to be a clinical and professional leader within the profession... -
Nursing with Leadership Single Field (Adult Nursing) MSci
Discover what it takes to be a clinical and professional leader within Adult Nursing. Alongside gaining core nursing skills and experience, you’ll learn how effective and efficient leadership is crucial to the smooth running of healthcare... -
Nursing with Leadership Dual Field (Mental Health and Children's Nursing) MSci
Nurses change lives, but they don’t work alone. Effective and efficient leadership is crucial to the smooth running of healthcare. On this four-year degree, alongside gaining core nursing skills and experience to become a competent dual registered nurse, you’ll discover what it takes to be a clinical and professional leader within the profession... -
Start Your Career as a Healthcare Professional: Online Work Related Learning
Gain a unique insight into working in healthcare and the NHS as you learn what it takes to become a healthcare professional... -
Clinical Education MSc, PGDip, PGCert
Our Masters level course in Clinical Education will help you to become an effective clinical teacher, and develop your skills in educational leadership, scholarship and discovery. .. -
Midwifery with Leadership MSci
Midwifery has to be one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable. But this four-year degree goes one step further. Alongside gaining core midwifery skills and experience, you’ll also discover what it takes to be a clinical and professional leader within the field of maternity and healthcare... -
Health Law LLM
Explore topical legal, ethical and moral dilemmas that go to the heart of how we live and die, with a focus on addressing inequalities in health. Study full-time or one/two modules at a time. Flexible study allows you to build up credits gradually and complete the Health Law LLM at your own pace... -
Operating Department Practice Apprenticeship
ODPs are registered specialist practitioners in the operating department, their crucial role combining technical and caring skills to deliver the best possible patient care. This degree apprenticeship is run in partnership with the NHS and other healthcare providers. You will be employed and paid a salary by them during the programme. .. -
Operating Department Practice BSc
ODPs are specialist registered practitioners in the operating department, their crucial role combining technical and caring skills to deliver the best possible patient care. This degree covers all aspects of the job, preparing you up for a rewarding career in the profession... -
Diabetes CPD by distance learning
This is for you if... you want the flexibility of studying by distance learning whilst expanding your knowledge, skills and confidence in diabetes care to improve outcomes in patient care and personal career progression...