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Psychometric Test User Training CPD
This is for you if...your role involves testing for personnel selection, development or career guidance and advice... -
Quality and Safety in Healthcare CPD
This is for you if... you have experience of working in healthcare and want to improve your knowledge of the theory and practice of improving quality and safety within the sector... -
Quality and Safety in Healthcare MSc, PGDip, PGCert
This is for you if... you want to improve your knowledge of the theory and practice of improving quality and safety in healthcare, in an institution renowned for its world-leading research in this area... -
Reversing Diabetes: Fact or Fiction?
Can diabetes be reversed? Explore research on the success of weight loss treatments in reversing and preventing type 2 diabetes... -
Start Your Career as a Healthcare Professional: Online Work Related Learning
Gain a unique insight into working in healthcare and the NHS as you learn what it takes to become a healthcare professional...