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Diagnostic Radiography BSc
Diagnostic radiography combines the empathy and compassion of healthcare with the expertise of managing advanced technology. High-quality diagnostic imagery is fundamental to modern medicine. As a radiographer you will need to know how your equipment and software work and how a human body works... -
Health Law LLM
Explore topical legal, ethical and moral dilemmas that go to the heart of how we live and die, with a focus on addressing inequalities in health. Study full-time or one/two modules at a time. Flexible study allows you to build up credits gradually and complete the Health Law LLM at your own pace... -
Healthcare Management MSc
This is for you if... you want to learn how to be an exceptional manager in the healthcare environment... -
Immunity, Infection and Chronic Disease MSc
This is for you if... you want to apply your knowledge of biological sciences to studying the molecular and cellular basis of infections and the immune response, particularly if you want to pursue research at postgraduate level... -
Medical Statistics MSc
This is for you if... you want a vocational course that will focus on the application of statistical methods to real-life problems in medicine and healthcare, giving you excellent prospects in securing a career or further study... -
Medicinal Chemistry BSc
Every infection-fighting and disease-treating drug owes a great debt to chemistry. In this degree, you’ll be given a solid grounding in chemistry and its role alongside drug development... -
Medicinal Chemistry MChem
This four-year degree expands on the Medicinal Chemistry BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into the industry. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research... -
Medicine MBChB
Meet patients from the outset, learn from experts in world-class facilities, and find out what it takes to become a doctor working in the profession today. Our excellent facilities include our purpose built teaching environment, state-of-the-art Clinical Skills Unit and anatomical dissection of human cadavers... -
Medicine with Foundation Year MBChB
Medicine degrees aren’t easy to get into. But this doesn’t mean becoming a doctor is out of the question. If it looks like you won’t meet the entry requirements to study medicine at Leicester, this Foundation Year degree is your path to making it happen... -
Methods in Applied Health Research CPD
This is for you if... you want to increase your understanding of how research contributes to health care and the range of methods used...