College of Life Sciences

CLS EDI Strategy

The CLS EDI Strategy sets out our vision, mission and clear EDI objectives, providing a framework from which we can work to ensure that EDI is a core component of the college mission, embedded into all the we do, particularly research and teaching but also our college culture. A strategy allows us to provide a more consistent experience for staff and students across our College, and to hold our leaders and ourselves accountable.

shot of the side of the center for medicineVision

Through our EDI engagement and investment the College will exemplify an embedded inclusive culture which encompasses our research, teaching and collegiate environment. We want the College of Life Sciences to be a ‘beacon’ of good practice.


Our mission is to enable staff deliver the core business of the College in an environment that is fair, supportive, consistent and inclusive. Only by working in this way will we maximise quality research output, and teaching that provides a consistently good student experience. Staff and students will achieve their full potential within a culture and environment of trust that supports continuous drive for improvement.

Governance and delivery

Delivery of our objectives is led by our EDI Committee and working groups.

Objectives and actions 2020-2024

Specific actions developed within the six EDI Objectives form a four-year Action Plan. These are identified and developed in consultation with College staff and students via engagement groups, departmental discussions and the working groups linked to the objectives, as well as the College EDI Committee.

1. To amplify the student and staff voice in progressing equality, diversity and inclusion.

2. To cultivate and promote an inclusive workplace culture where we are all Allies for Change.

3. To develop gender equality activity within the College.

4. To establish activity to support racial equality in the College

5. To embed EDI in the research culture of the College

6. To implement inclusive and diverse teaching and curricula across the College

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