Core Biotechnology Services

Zeiss MP7 multiphoton microscope


Currently out of use




Multiphoton systems are used to image deeper into the sample. Using a normal confocal laser scanning microscope images can be taken up to 50 µm into the sample. This system should be able to image to a depth of around 1 mm.

This microscope is only for multiphoton imaging and is equipped with a Mai Tai eHP DS Ti:Sapphire pulsed laser (< 70 fs pulsewidth) with DeepSee dispersion. The laser is tunable between 690-1040nm.

The system is build around an upright Axio Examiner.Z1 microscope and has two non-descanned detectors (NDD) and a transmitted light detector.

One W-Plan-Apochromat 20x/NA=1 DIC(UV) VIS-IR water dipping objective is available. It is apochromatically corrected from VIS to IR and designed for use without cover slip.


  • Mirror + SP485 nm
  • Mirror + BP 455-500 nm
  • Mirror + BP 500-550 nm
  • LP490 nm + BP 500-550 nm
  • LP510 nm + BP520-560 nm
  • LP555 nm + BP 565-610 nm

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