American Studies at Leicester

Undergraduate courses

We provide an exciting approach to the study of the history, literature, politics and culture of the United States.

We offer both three-year and four-year degrees, allowing you to complete your full degree in three years, or spend your third year abroad at an American University before returning to Leicester for your final year.

English and American Studies BA (with optional year abroad)
Full-time, 3-4 years | UCAS code: QT37 
Two literary identities. One shared language. From Renaissance drama to contemporary American classics, you’ll look at how the cultures of both countries have produced equally fascinating canons. 

History and American Studies BA (with optional year abroad)
Full-time, 3-4 years | UCAS code: VT17 
Since declaring freedom in 1776, the USA has gone on to become one of the most influential countries in the world. You’ll look at how this came to be by studying the ideas, people and events that shaped the nation.

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