
Roles and responsibilities

Study Advisers can help you to address dyslexia-related difficulties by developing your study skills and/or offering support with individual pieces of work.     

The role of the Study Adviser

The Study Adviser will:

  • discuss with you the nature of your support and the frequency of meetings;
  • take account of any recommendations made in your Educational Psychologist's Report or Assessment Centre Report;
  • not contact your department without your consent.

The Study Adviser can:

  • help you with general study skills, such as memory and concentration, reading strategies, spelling techniques, or any other study skill that you would like to acquire;
  • help you to plan a piece of work;
  • look at individual pieces of work to assist with developing grammar and punctuation, paragraphing, sentence construction, flow of the writing, critical analysis and/or general structuring of the piece.

The Study Adviser cannot:

  • provide a proof-reading service, although it may be possible to suggest a proof-reader who will make a charge.
  • advise you on subject-specific issues. The Study Adviser can only offer support for dyslexia-related difficulties.
  • Please be aware that showing work to a Study Adviser does not necessarily mean that it will achieve a pass grade. The Study Adviser can help you to improve your writing and your study skills, but will not be in a position to judge the quality of subject-specific information.  

Your role

In order to make the most of the support on offer, we ask that you:

  • briefly describe what you would like to cover in the session when you telephone for an appointment;
  • bring any relevant course information to the meeting (eg, essay titles, course handbook);
  • bring the feedback form if you are re-submitting an essay that has previously failed.
  • think about how long it might take a Study Adviser to read your assignment if you are sending it via email. As a rough guide, a 1,500 word assignment will take half an hour; 3,000-5,000 words will take an hour. This does not include the time it will take to meet with you and offer feedback. Feedback time will need to be booked in addition to reading time.

Let the AccessAbility team know as soon as possible if you cannot attend an appointment. Your Local Education Authority will be charged for appointments that are missed without 24 hours notice.

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