
Data Protection Statement

This statement is about how AccessAbility, as an integral part of the SSDS, complies with the University’s Data Protection Code of Practice and with the Data Protection Act (1998).

During our discussions, you will provide us with information about yourself.  Some of this information may be of a sensitive nature.  In order to respond to your situation and ensure we are giving you the right level of service we will take notes about our meetings and discussions.

If you do not want us to record information about you in this way, we will respect your wishes as far as possible. However, because it may not be possible in some circumstances for us to help without making notes, we retain the right to exercise our discretion in this matter. We will inform you in such circumstances.

All information you give to AccessAbility will be treated with sensitivity and in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act (1998).

Normally, your information will not be disclosed outside the AccessAbility team without your permission. However, there may be some circumstances when we may disclose information to relevant professionals; we will do this only if, in our professional judgement, the situation demands it. In order to provide a comprehensive support service across the University, confirmation about whether you are using AccessAbility may be given to other University staff, but the release of more sensitive data will not be made without your knowledge.

Information (name, department, year, and disability following the UCAS codes) will need to be disclosed at the end of each academic year to the Registry in order that they can complete the Higher Education Statistics Agency questionnaire as demanded by government. Similarly, if you are assessed as having a specific learning difficulty or disability during your course, the AccessAbility team will relay this information to the Registry to update the Student Record System at approximately termly intervals. Please tell a member of staff if you object to this. 

All information will be stored securely and destroyed six years after you leave the University.

If you wish to see information that is held about you, please contact the AccessAbility team in the first instance; we may refer you to the University’s Data Protection Officer if we are unable to deal with your enquiry.

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