About the University of Leicester

Officers and senior staff

Visitor, His Majesty the King

Chancellor, Dame Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock DBE

Pro-Chancellor, Mr G Dixon, FCA

President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor N Canagarajah, BA, PhD (Cantab)

Treasurer, Ms C Ellis

Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor H O'Connor, BA, MLitt, PhD, AFCIPD

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professional Services), Ms K Law


Professor Liz Jones (Education)
Professor Richard Thomas (Research and Enterprise)

Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Heads of College

College of Science and Engineering: Professor S Davies
College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities: Professor Teela Sanders
College of Life Sciences: Professor T Robinson BMedSci MD FRCP FESO
College of Business: Professor Dan Ladley

Dean of the Doctoral College, Professor R Thomas, FLS FSA SFHEA

Registrar and Secretary, Mr G Green

University Librarian, Mr Steve Williams

For a full listing of previous holders of these and equivalent posts since the University was founded in 1921, please refer to the University records.

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