About the University of Leicester
University records
Officers of University College Leicester from its founding in 1921 (as Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland University College) to the award of the Royal Charter in 1957.
1922-28 The Rt Hon The Lord Haldane, KT, OM, LLD, FRS
1929-57 Professor Gilbert Murray, OM, MA, LLD, DLitt, DCL
1922-25 Henry John Brinsley Manners, KG, 8th Duke of Rutland
1925-40 John Henry Montague Manners, 9th Duke of Rutland
1955-57 The Rt Hon The Lord Adrian, OM, MA, MD, DSc, LLD, FRS, FRCP
Chairman of council
1919-39 Sir Jonathan North
1939-45 Astley V Clarke, MA, MD
1945-57 H Percy Gee, CBE, LLD, JP
1921-31 R F Rattray, MA, PhD
1932-51 F L Attenborough, MA
1952-57 Sir Charles Wilson, MA, LLD
Secretary and Registrar
1920-29 W G Gibbs
1930-46 L M Sear
1947-57 H B Martin, BCom, LLD, FCIS
The University of Leicester, 1957-
The following shows the Officers of the University since its beginnings in 1957:
1957-71 The Rt Hon The Lord Adrian, OM, MA, MD, DSc, LLD, FRS, FRCP
1971-84 Professor Sir Alan Hodgkin, OM, KBE, MA, ScD, MD, DSc, FRS
1984-95 The Lord Porter, OM, FRS, BSc, MA PhD, ScD, FRSC
1995-05 Sir Michael Atiyah, OM, FRS, MA, PhD, DSc
2005-10 Sir Peter Williams, CBE, FRS, FREng
2013-18 The Rt Hon The Lord Grocott
2018-23 The Rt Hon The Lord Willetts
2023- Dame Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock DBE
1957-62 H Percy Gee, CBE, LLD, JP
1957-77 Sir Charles Keene, CBE, LLD, JP
1962-81 J N Frears, CBE, MA, LLD, JP
1987-91 Sir Sydney King, OBE, LLD
1978-91 K W Bowder, OBE, LLD
1991-95 D A Walmsley, BA, LLB, LLD
1995-98 Sir Edwin Nixon, CBE, DL, MA, LLD
1996-07 J C Foster, OBE, MA, DipEd
1998-07 Sir Tom McKillop, BSc, PhD, DSc, FRS, FRSE
2004-08 G N Corah, OBE, DL, CIMgt, FInstD, FRSA
2007-13 RH Bettles, BDS, DDH, LDS, MCD, DDPH
2009-13 P Bateman, BSc
2013-2019 Dr B Towle, DL, CBE, BA, LLD, FRSA
2019- G Dixon, BSc, FCA, MBA
2023- V Sharma (Pro-Chancellor Community Engagement)
1966-75 M Goldsmith, LLD
1975-80 His Hon Judge H A Skinner, MA, QC
1981-85 R R Thornton, CBE, DL, MA, LLB
1986-95 E Y Whittle, MA, PhD
1995-99 G A Cinderby, IPFA, FCCA
1999-08 M A Chamberlain, OBE, LLD, FCA
2009-13 Dr B E Towle, DL, CBE, BA, LLD, FRSA
2013-18 D Moore, BA
2018-2019 G Dixon, BSc, MBA, FCA
2019-2023 I Johnson BA, FCA
2023- C Ellis
1957-61 Sir Charles Wilson MA, LLD
1962-76 Sir Fraser Noble, MBE, MA, LLD
1977-87 Sir Maurice Shock, MA, LLD
1987-99 K J R Edwards, BSc, MA, PhD, DSc, LLD
1999-14 Professor Sir Robert Burgess, BA, PhD, AcSS, DL
President and Vice-Chancellor
2014-2019 Professor P Boyle, FBA, FRSE
2019- Professor N Canagarajah BA, PhD
2015-17 Professor M Peel, BA, MA, PhD, FASSA, FRHS
2023- (Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor) Professor H O'Connor, BA, MLitt, PhD, AFCIPD
1957-60 Professor L Hunter, PhD, DSc, FRIC
1960-63 Professor J Simmons, MA, FRHistS, FRSL
1963-66 Professor N Pye, BA
1966-69 Professor R L Goodstein, BA, MSc, DLit, PhD
1969-70 Professor L C Sykes, MA, DPhil
1970-73 Professor R D Peacock, PhD, DSc
1973-76 Professor J K Grodecki, OBE, MA, JP
1976-78 Professor R Davis, BSc (Econ), PhD, FBA
1979-81 Professor H A Jones, CBE, MA
1981-82 Professor G H Martin, CBE, MA, DPhil, FSA, FRHistS
1981-85 Professor J E Spence, BA, BSc (Econ)
1983-87 Professor R D Peacock, PhD, DSc
1985-87 Professor G Bernbaum, BSc (Econ), FRSA
1987-91 Professor A R S Ponter, BSc, MA, PhD, ARCS
1989-93 J Bonner, BSc (Econ), BPhil
1991-95 Professor I M T Davidson, PhD, DSc, CChem, FRSC, FRSA
1993-96 Professor A R S Ponter, MA, BSc, PhD, ARCS
1993-97 Professor R C A White, MA, LLM
1996-98 Professor A G H Blakeley, MA, DPhil, BM, BCh
1997-01 Professor J L Beeby, MA, PhD
1997-01 Professor P S Fearon, BA
2001-02 Professor W A Light, BSc, MA, PhD
1999-03 Professor J H Holloway, OBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, CChem, FRSC
2001-03 Professor S M Pearce, MA, PhD, FSA, FMA
2003-04 Professor G W W Barker, PhD, FBA, FSA, MIFA
2003-07 Professor W J Brammar, BSc, PhD
2003-08 Professor J C Fothergill, BSc, MSc, PhD, CEng, CPhys, FIEE, MInstP, SMIEE
2004-15 Professor M P Thompson, LLB, LLM
2005-09 Professor I Postlethwaite, BSc, MA, PhD, FREng, CEng, FIEE, FInstMC, FIEEE
2007-14 Ms C Fyfe, BA, MA, MBA
2009-11 Professor K C Lee, BA, MSc, PhD, FRSA
2010-15 Professor K Schurer, BA, PhD, AcSS
2016-19 Professor J Scott
2016-18 Professor S Dixon
2016-19 Professor MA Barstow, BA, PhD, CSci, CPhys, FInstP, FRAS
2016-20 Professor I Gillespie
2019-21 Professor G Wynn
2021- Professor P Baker
2021- Dr E Jones
Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Heads of College
2008-13 Professor E Murphy, MA(Hons), MSc, PhD (College of Social Sciences)
2008-13 Professor D Tallack, BA, MA, DPhil (College of Arts, Humanities and Law)
2008-15 Professor D Wynford-Thomas, MB BCh(Hons), FRCPath, DSc, FMEDSci (College of Medicine, Biological Sciences and Psychology)
2009-16 Professor MA Barstow, BA, PhD, CSci, CPhys, FInstP, FRAS (College of Science and Engineering)
2013-15 Professor S King, BA, PhD (College of Social Science)
2013-15 Professor M Peel, BA, MA, PhD, FASSA, FRHS (College of Arts, Humanities and Law)
2015-2018 Professor J Coleman, BA, MA,PhD, FHEA, FEA (College of Arts, Humanities and Law)
2015-2021 Professor P Baker (College of Life Sciences)
2016-2020 Professor P Monks, BSc, DPhil (College of Science and Engineering)
2019- Professor Henrietta O'Connor (College of Arts, Humanities and Law)
2020- Professor S Davies (College of Science and Engineering)
2021- Professor T Robinson (College of Life Sciences)
2023-2024 (interim) Professor L Smith (College of Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities and Law)
2024- (interim) Professor T Sanders (College of Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities and Law)
2024- (interim) Professor D Ladley (College of Business)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
1970-78 Professor L C Sykes, MA, DPhil
2018-22 Professor E Burke, FBCS, FDRS, FIMA, CITP
2022- (Professional Services) Miss K Law
2023- (Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor) Professor H O'Connor, BA, MLitt, PhD, AFCIPD
Deans of the Faculties
1957-60 Professor A R Humphreys, MA, AM (Arts)
Professor N Pye, BA (Science)
Professor A G Pool, BSc (Econ), PhD (Social Sciences)
Professor J W Tibble, MA, MEd (Education)
1960-62 Professor A J Allaway, MA, JP (Education)
Professor J D B Miller, MEc (Social Sciences)
1960-63 Professor P H Powell, MA, DrPhil, DLitt (Arts)
Professor T G Tutin, MA, FLS (Science)
1962-65 Professor I Neustadt, PhD, DrSc (Econ) (Social Sciences)
1963-66 Professor F W J Hemmings, MA, DPhil (Arts)
Professor H P Moon, MA (Science)
1966-68 E N Pickering, MSc, PhD (Science)
1965-68 H J Dyos, BSc (Econ), PhD (Social Sciences)
1966-69 Professor A Wasserstein, BA, PhD (Arts)
1968-69 Professor C I Savage, MCom (Social Sciences)
1968-70 Professor R D Peacock, PhD, DSc (Science)
1969-72 Professor J Kemp, MA (Arts)
1970-73 Professor A J Meadows, MA, MSc, DPhil (Science)
1969-74 G E Hurd, MA (Social Sciences)
1972-75 Professor G H Martin, CBE, MA, DPhil, FRHistS (Arts)
- Professor W A Crammond, OBE, MD, FRCPsych, FANZCP, FRACP (Medicine)
1973-76 M A Khan, BSc, PhD (Science)
- Professor J K Grodecki, OBE, MA, JP (Law)
1975-78 J Hampton, BA, L ès L, Dde l’U (Arts)
1976-79 Professor G D S MacLellan, MA, PhD, CEng, FIMechE, FIEE (Science)
1978-81 A K B Evans, BA, PhD, FRHistS, FSA (Arts)
1976-82 Professor D G Barnsley, LLM (Law)
1979-82 Professor R Whittam, BSc, MA, PhD, FRS (Science)
1981-82 Professor H B Willson, MA (Arts)
1974-83 J Bonner, BSc (Econ), PhD (Social Sciences)
1982-84 Professor W Sluckin, BSc(Eng), BSc, PhD, FBPsS (Science)
1982-85 R H Evans, MA, FSA (Arts)
1976-87 Professor E J Griew, MA, LLB (Law)
1984-87 Professor S Trippett, BA, PhD, ScD (Science)
1985-88 T Keefe, MA (Arts)
1975-89 Sir Robert Kilpatrick, CBE, MD, FRCP (Medicine)
1983-89 P L Cottrell, BSc (Econ), PhD (Social Sciences)
1987-89 Professor E A Davis, BSc, MA, PhD (Science)
1987-90 R J H Stone, LLB, LLM (Law)
1989-93 Professor J L Beeby, MA, PhD (Science)
1990-93 Professor R C A White, MA, LLM (Law)
1989-94 C M Price, BSc, PhD (Social Sciences)
1993-95 Professor W J Brammar, BSc, PhD, FRSA (Science)
1993-95 Professor J J Fawcett, LLB, PhD (Law)
1988-96 D T Johnson, MA (Arts)
1996-97 Professor J L Beeby, MA, PhD (Science)
1993-98 Professor M J Galton, MSc, MEd, PhD, FRSA (Education & Continuing Studies)
1997-98 Professor W J Brammar, BSc, PhD, FRSA (Science)
1994-99 Professor D J Pyle, BA, MSc, PhD (Social Sciences)
1995-99 J C Woodliffe, LLB, LLM (Law)
1998-99 Professor J H Holloway, BSc, PhD, DSc, CChem, FRSC (Science)
1990-00 Professor F Harris, CBE, MB, ChB, MMed (Paed), MD, FRCP, FRCP (Ed), FRCPCH, FRSA, FMedSci (Medicine & Biological Sciences)
1996-01 Professor S M Pearce, MA, PhD, FSA, FMA (Arts)
1999-01 Professor W A Light, BSc, MA, PhD (Science)
1999-02 R M Negrine, BA, PhD (Social Sciences)
1999-03 Professor R C A White, MA, LLM, Solicitor of the Supreme Court (Law)
2000-03 Professor W J Brammar, BSc, PhD (Medicine and Biological Sciences)
2001-03 Professor A W Yarrington, BA, PhD, FSA (Arts)
2001-03 Professor J C Fothergill, BSc, MSc, PhD, CEng, CPhys, FIEE, MInstP, SMIEEE (Science)
1998-05 Professor K R Fogelman, BA, CPsychol, FBPsS (Education and Continuing Studies)
2003-07 Professor C M V Clarkson, BA, LLB, LLM (Law)
2002-09 Professor P M Jackson, BA, PhD, AcSS, FRSA, FCMI (Social Sciences)
2003-09 Professor A R Hillman, BSc, DPhil, CChem, MRSC (Science)
2003-08 Professor E J Shattock, BA, MA, PhD (Arts)
2000-08 Professor I Lauder, MB, BS, FRCPath, FMedSci (Medicine & Biological Sciences)
2007-09 Professor Bonner, LLB, LLM (Law)
2008-09 Professor S J Knell, BSc, PGCert, PhD, FGS, AMA
2008-08 Professor D Wynford-Thomas, MB BCh(hons), FRCPath, DSc, FMED
Role of Dean ceased in 2008 and changed to 'Pro-Vice Chancellor and Head of College'
1957-1973 H B Martin, BCom, LLD, FCIS
1973-1983 M A Baatz, MA, FRSA
1983-1987 J W Walmsley
1987-1993 Professor G Bernbaum, BSc (Econ), FRSA (Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Registrar)
1993-2006 K J Julian, MA (Registrar and Secretary)
2006-2020 D E Hall, BA, (Registrar and Chief Operating Officer)
2020- Geoff Green (Registrar and Secretary)
1957-1961 Rhoda Bennett, MA, FLA
1961-1982 D G F Walker, MA, LLB
1982-1995 B Burch, MA, ALA, FRSA
1995-2002 T D Hobbs, MA, PhD, DipLib, ALA
2002-2013 C Fyfe, BA, MA, MBA
2013-2020 C Taylor BA, Dip Lib, MCLIP
2020-2022 N Donohue BA, MA, PGCAP, SFHEA, MCLIP
2022- S Williams
Public Orators
1957-60 Professor A R Humphreys, MA, AM
1960-62 Professor J D B Miller, MEc
1962-65 Professor A R Humphreys, MA, AM
1965-68 Professor J Simmons, MA FRHistS, FRSL, FSA
1968-71 Professor A R Humphreys, MA, AM
1971-74 Professor G H Martin, CBE, MA, DPhil, FSA, FRHistS
1971-75 Professor R L Meek, LLM, MA, PhD
1975-77 Professor A J Meadows, MA, MSc, DPhil
1975-78 Professor P A W Collins, MA
1977-79 Professor E J Griew, MA, LLB
1977-80 Professor S Brandon, MD, DPM, DCH, FRCPsych
1980-82 Professor P A W Collins, MA
1981-84 Professor L J Herrmann, MA, FSA
1982-85 Professor A A Dashwood, MA
1984-86 Professor A J Meadows, MA, DPhil, MSc
1985-89 Professor S Brandon, MD, DCH, FRCP, FRCPsych, DPM
1985-91 M A Khan, BSc, PhD, FGS, FRAS
1989-95 D W Pollard, LLB, Chevalier des Palmes Académiques
1995-98 R L Borthwick, BA, PhD (Nottingham)
1991-99 Professor W Forster, OBE, MA (Durham)
1998-01 Professor R C A White, MA (Oxford), LLM (Virginia), Solicitor of the Supreme Court)
1999-02 J C W Boon, MA, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS
2001-04 Professor S A Petersen, MA, PhD
2002-11 S J Gurman, BSc, PhD
2004-16 Professor G R Campbell, MA, DPhil, DLitt, Dr hc, FRHistS
2012-14 Professor S A Petersen, MA, PhD
2015- P R Jenkins, PhD
2015- N P Siesage, JP, MA
2017- Professor G Shipley, MA, DPhil
2023-2024 Professor T King, BA, MSc, PhD