About the University of Leicester


Ordinance 1: Ordinances

  1. The Council shall make Ordinances with regard to all such matters as are directed by the Charter and Statutes and such other matters as may be deemed expedient. Ordinances shall be effective and binding when passed by a Resolution of the Council provided that no Ordinance shall be passed until the Senate has had an opportunity to consider it and report on it to the Council.
  2. An Ordinance shall be deemed to have been passed by Resolution of the Council provided that it has been approved by the Council at one meeting and confirmed at a subsequent meeting.  The second meeting must be held not less than one calendar month nor more than six calendar months after the first meeting.  Approval and confirmation shall be deemed to be effective by means of a vote of a simple majority of those present and voting.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 2 of this Section, the Council may prescribe as the date from which an Ordinance shall be effective, a date earlier than the meeting at which the Ordinance is due to be confirmed, provided that such Ordinance shall then lapse if it is not confirmed.
  4. Throughout these Ordinances, wherever his or he is used his/her, or he/she should be understood.


Ordinance 2: The Chancellor

  1. The Successors to the first Chancellor shall be elected by the Full Members of Court on the nomination of the Council.
  2. The Chancellor shall hold office for a period determined by Court or until his resignation.
  3. The Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the secretary of the Court and the chair of the Council.


Ordinance 3: The Pro-Chancellors

  1. The Pro-Chancellors shall be elected by the Council.
  2. The Chair of the Council shall be elected by the Council and by virtue of this elected position shall be a Pro-Chancellor.
  3. The Chair of the Council shall be an ex-officio member of all Council Committees.
  4. The Pro-Chancellors shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election.
  5. A Pro-Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the Council provided that if he is the Chair of the Council he also resigns such position.


Ordinance 4: The President and Vice-Chancellor

  1. The Successors to the first Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Council after consideration of a report from a Joint Committee of the Council and the Senate.
  2. Subject to Ordinance 26 the President and Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for such period and under such conditions as shall be determined by the Council.
  3. The President and Vice-Chancellor shall have a general responsibility to the Council for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the University.
  4. The President and Vice-Chancellor shall be an ex-officio member of every Committee or Board of the Council, Senate and Court.
  5. The President and Vice-Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the Chair of the Council.


Ordinance 5: The Treasurer

  1. The Successors to the first Treasurer shall be elected by the Council.
  2. The Treasurer shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election, subject to the provisions of Ordinances.
  3. If the position of Treasurer shall become vacant for any reason before the expiration of his period of appointment the Council shall forthwith elect a Treasurer in his place.
  4. The Treasurer may resign by written notice addressed to the Chair of the Council.
  5. The Treasurer shall be Chair of the Finance Committee and an ex officio member of all Council Committees, with the exception of the Audit Committee.
  6. The Treasurer shall be a source of advice and counsel to the President and Vice-Chancellor, the Chair of Council and other senior officers on financial matters.
  7. The Treasurer will be consulted by the President and Vice-Chancellor and the Chair of Council on the exercise of delegated powers in respect of financial matters requiring urgent attention between meetings of Council.


Ordinance 6: The Pro-Vice-Chancellors

  1. Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall be appointed by a Selection Panel of the Council and the Senate following an open and transparent selection process which may include internal and/or external advertisement and interview.
  2. Subject to Ordinance 26 each Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for an initial period of up to five years from the date specified on appointment and may be eligible for reappointment.
  3. The Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall assist the President and Vice-Chancellor in such matters as may be from time to time entrusted to them by the President and Vice-Chancellor, and some shall also be appointed heads of colleges.
  4. On the recommendation of the President and Vice-Chancellor the Council shall designate one of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor posts as that of the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall act for the President and Vice-Chancellor in his or her absence or during a vacancy in that office, and shall be an ex-officio member of the Council of the University.
  5. A Pro-Vice-Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the Chair of the Council.


Ordinance 7: The Registrar and Secretary

  1. The Registrar and Secretary of the University shall be appointed by the Council after consideration of a report from a Joint Committee of the Council and the Senate and shall have such duties at such remuneration and (subject to Ordinance 26) upon such terms and conditions as the Council shall determine.


Ordinance 8: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professional Services)

  1. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professional Services) shall be appointed by a Selection Panel of the Council and the Senate following an open and transparent selection process which may include internal and/or external advertisement and interview. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professional Services) shall act for the President and Vice Chancellor in his or her absence, and shall be an exofficio member of the Council of the University.


Ordinance 9: Powers of the Council

  1. To elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair.
  2. To nominate to the Court persons for election or appointment as Chancellor.
  3. To appoint the members of the Council under Section 4, Clause 1, Class 2 of the Statutes.  To fill casual vacancies on Council under Section 4, Clause 1, Class 3 of the Statutes.
  4. To appoint the President and Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar and Secretary after consideration of a report of a Joint Committee of the Council and the Senate thereon; and to delegate to appointment panels under procedures agreed by the Council the power to appoint other members of staff.
  5. To appoint the Auditor or Auditors for the University under Section 12 of the Statutes
  6. To confer the title of Emeritus Professor, or such other honorary titles as may jointly be approved by the Senate and the Council. The authority to confer such titles shall normally be delegated to the appropriate committee(s) as specified in the University's Schedule of Delegation.
  7. To recommend to the Privy Council amendments, alterations or additions to the Charter, provided that no such amendment, alteration or addition shall be brought before the Privy Council until the Senate and the Standing Committee of the Alumni Association have had an opportunity of reporting thereon to the Council and provided also that no amendment, alteration or addition to Article 11 of the Charter shall be brought before the Privy Council until the Court has had an opportunity of reporting thereon to the Council.
  8. To make, amend, alter or repeal Statutes and to submit the same to the Privy Council for consideration and allowance provided that no new, amended, altered or repealed Statute shall be submitted to the Privy Council until the Senate has had an opportunity of reporting thereon to the Council, and provided also that no proposal to amend, alter or repeal Statute 4(1) (Class 6) shall be brought before the Privy Council until the Standing Committee of the Alumni Association has had an opportunity of reporting thereon to the Council.
  9. To make, amend, alter or repeal Ordinances provided that no new, amended, altered or repealed Ordinance shall be enacted until the Senate has had an opportunity of reporting thereon to the Council.
  10. To make Regulations and to confirm Regulations submitted by the Senate for any matters in respect of which the Council may make Regulations.
  11. To govern and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, business and all affairs whatsoever of the University and for that purpose to appoint bankers and any other officers or agents whom it may deem expedient to appoint. To cause proper books of account to be kept for all sums of money received and expended by the University and for the assets and liabilities of the University so that such books give a true and fair view of the state of the University’s affairs and explain its transactions.
  12. To take over all properties, assets, benefits and liabilities of the University College of Leicester.
  13. To join or collaborate with any other University, academic body or similar institution, organisation, company, partnership, joint venture or association having in view or promoting any activity the same as, or similar or related to, or which can provide a service for, any activity of the University as provided for by or permitted by law, being consistent with the provisions of the Charter and the Statutes, and in such manner as may be authorised by these Ordinances and Regulations of the University, and to delegate or revoke delegation of any of the University's functions to individuals, boards, committees and other entities (comprising its own officers or members or otherwise) with a view to furthering any of the above collaborative purpose or purposes.
  14. To sell, buy, exchange, lease and accept leases of real and personal property on behalf of the University.
  15. To act as trustees or managers of any property, legacy, endowment, bequest or gift made to the University to further its charitable objects.
  16. To provide the buildings, premises, furniture and equipment and other means required for carrying on the work of the University.
  17. To provide for the welfare of persons in the employment of the University or formerly in the employment of the University through the provision of such emoluments, pensions or other schemes as the Council think fit.
  18. To enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University.
  19. To review the academic work of the University and receive reports thereon from the Senate, and to take such steps as it thinks proper for the purpose of ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the University in the provision of teaching, the pursuit of learning and the prosecution of research.
  20. To review, amend, refer back, control or disallow any act of the Senate required under these Ordinances to be reported to the Council and to give directions thereon to the Senate  provided that any act of the Senate which is amended by the Council shall be referred again to the Senate for consideration and report before being carried into effect.
  21. To approve or disapprove the names of persons proposed by the Senate as recipients of honorary degrees provided that no person shall be admitted by the University to an honorary degree whose name has not been approved for that purpose both by the Council and by the Senate.
  22. Subject to Ordinance 26, to consider, adjudicate upon and if thought fit redress any grievance of any member or employee of the University save where the Council has approved, through Ordinances or Regulations, alternative arrangements for such matters.
  23. To provide for the welfare of the students of the University.
  24. To select a Seal, Arms and a Mace for the University and to have the sole custody and use of the Seal.
  25. To exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Council by the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations and to carry the Charter Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations into effect.
  26. The Council may delegate specified powers to individuals or committees accountable to the Council.  Such delegations shall be set out in an approved scheme of delegation.
  27. To designate one Pro-Vice-Chancellor post as that of Deputy Vice-Chancellor, as recommended by the President and Vice-Chancellor.


Ordinance 10: Powers of the Senate

  1. To direct and regulate the teaching and instruction within the University and the examinations held by the University subject to the powers of the Council as hereinbefore defined.
  2. To promote research within the University and to require reports from time to time upon such research.
  3. To appoint four members of the Senate to be Members of the Council under Section 4, Clause 1, Class 4 of the Statutes.
  4. To elect or appoint members of the Senate as provided for under Section 6 Clause 1(f) of the Statutes.
  5. To award degrees (other than honorary degrees), diplomas, certificates and other Distinctions, including degrees, diplomas, certificates and other Distinctions offered and awarded by the University in conjunction with another institution.
  6. To make all regulations for giving effect to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University relating to courses of study and examinations.
  7. To regulate the admission of persons to courses of study in the University and their continuance at such courses.
  8. To regulate all University examinations and to appoint External Examiners.
  9. To suspend or remove an Examiner for negligence or misconduct or any other good cause during his or her term of office and in the case of a casual vacancy to appoint a substitute who shall have authority to act during the Examination then in progress or next ensuing.
  10. To determine and report to the Council on the organisation of the Colleges, Schools, Institutes, Boards, Departments or Centres of the University and the assigning to them of their respective subjects and academic units, and also to report to the Council as to the expediency of the establishment or disestablishment at any time of Colleges, Schools, Institutes, Boards, Departments or Centres.
  11. To review, amend, refer back, control or disallow any act of any College, School or Institute, or of any Board, or Department and to give directions to any such body.
  12. To report to the Council on all Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations or proposed changes thereof.
  13. To report to the Council on such changes to the Charter as the Council may propose.
  14. To consider any matter concerning teaching, learning and research, and to report to the Council as appropriate.
  15. To discuss any matter relating to the University including any matters referred or delegated to the Senate by the Court or the Council and to report its views on such matters to the Court or the Council.
  16. To propose to the Council the names of recipients of honorary degrees.
  17. To regulate matters of discipline relating to applicants, students of the University and former students, in accordance with the Charter, Ordinances and Regulations of the University.  This shall include the powers to deny admission to any applicant, exclude or expel any current student, and deprive of any award any current or former student.
  18. To exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Senate by the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations and to do such other acts and things as the Council shall authorise.
  19. To advise and make recommendations to the Council on matters affecting the appointment, duties and conditions of service of all members of the Academic Staff.
  20. To approve examinations and periods of study at other Universities and places of learning as equivalent to such examinations and periods of study in the University as the Senate may determine.
  21. To make recommendations to the Council for depriving, with good cause, any person of any degree, diploma, certificate or other distinction granted to or conferred on them by the University.
  22. To regulate the use of academic dress in the University.
  23. The Senate may delegate specified powers to individuals or committees accountable to the Senate.  Such delegations shall be set out in an approved scheme of delegation.
  24. To monitor the academic performance of the institution, via the consideration of an annual academic performance report, and to provide appropriate assurances to the Council.


Ordinance 11: The Court

  1. The Court shall consist of Full and Associate members as follows:
    1. Class 1 ‐ Full members ‐ representatives of the University:
      1. The Chancellor
      2. The President and Vice‐Chancellor
      3. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
      4. The Chair of Council
      5. The Treasurer
      6. The other lay members of Council
      7. The Registrar and Secretary
      8. The Chair of the Standing Committee of the Alumni Association
      9. The President of the Students' Union
      10. Such other representatives of the University as the Council may determine.
      11. Such other Full members, appointed by the Council on the recommendations of the Nominations Committee, comprised of the following Classes 2 and 3:
    2. Class 2 – Full members ‐ Ex‐Officio:
      1. The Lords‐Lieutenant of Leicestershire and Rutland
      2. The High Sheriffs of Leicestershire and Rutland
      3. The Lord Mayor of Leicester
      4. The Chair of Leicestershire County Council
      5. The Chair of Rutland County Council
      6. (The Mayor of Oadby and Wigston Borough Council
    3. Class 3 – Full members ‐ Representatives of such other institutions, societies and bodies, life members and such other persons as the Council may determine.
    4. Class 4 – Associate members – Representatives of such other institutions, societies and bodies, emeritus professors and such other persons as the Council may determine.
  2. Members of the Court shall each hold office for so long as they continue in the position by virtue of which they are appointed, or for the period specified by Council at the time of appointment, as the case may be.
  3. Any casual vacancy, howsoever occurring, shall be filled as soon as convenient by the person who or body which appointed the member whose place has become vacant.
  4. Members retiring by effluxion of time may be re‐appointed.
  5. Except where otherwise provided representatives need not be members of the body by which they are appointed.
  6. Any member of the Court may resign by written notice addressed to the Registrar and Secretary of the University.
  7. Full members of Court shall be entitled to receive the agenda papers for and to attend and vote at Annual General and Special Meetings of Court as provided for by Ordinances. Associate members shall not be so entitled but shall otherwise receive the same level of communication from the University as applies to Full members.
  8. A Register shall be kept by the Registrar and Secretary containing the names of all persons who are Full or Associate members of the Court according to the provision made by these Ordinances and such Register shall be conclusive evidence that any person whose name appears therein as a Full member at the time of claiming to vote in the Court is entitled to a vote and that any person whose name does not so appear therein is not so entitled.
  9. It shall be the responsibility of individual members of the Court to inform the Registrar and Secretary, in writing, of any change in circumstances material to their membership of the Court.
  10. Members of the Court in their capacity as members of the Court shall not be paid any fees or expenses by the University.


Ordinance 12: Meetings of the Court

  1. An Annual General Meeting of the Full members of Court shall be held once in every year at such day and hour as shall be determined by the Council. At such yearly meeting a Report of the University, together with the audited Financial Statements, including a Statement of Corporate Governance and Internal Control, shall be presented by the Council. Any vacancies in the offices of the University or among the members of the Court or the Council to be filled by the Court shall be filled at such meeting.
  2. A copy of the Report and of the Financial Statements referred to in Clause 1 of this Section shall be made available to every Full member of the Court at least seven days before the date of the Annual General Meeting and shall be open to the inspection of all persons at the office of the University during the year following such yearly meeting at such reasonable hours and upon such conditions as the Council shall determine.
  3. Notice of the date, time and place of the Annual General Meeting of the Court shall be sent by the Registrar and Secretary of the University to each Full member of the Court not less than twenty‐eight days before the date of the meeting and an agenda paper shall be distributed at least seven days prior to the meeting.
  4. Members intending to bring forward any business (other than the business referred to in clause 1 of this Section) at the Annual General Meeting shall give notice in writing of such business to the Registrar and Secretary of the University at least fourteen days before the day appointed for such meeting. All such business shall be included in the agenda paper to be sent by the Registrar and Secretary of the University to each Full member of the Court.
  5. A Special Meeting of the Full members of Court may be convened at any time by the Council or on the written request of no fewer than twenty‐five Full members of the Court. At least fourteen days' notice of any Special Meeting stating generally the nature of the business to be transacted shall be sent by the Registrar and Secretary of the University to each Full member of the Court and no such meeting shall be competent to transact any other business than that mentioned in the notice or directly arising therefrom.
  6. The quorum of the Court shall be twenty‐five Full members. In the absence of a quorum no business shall be transacted other than the adjournment of the Court. At such adjourned meeting the business referred to in Clause 1 of this Section may be completed in the absence of a quorum. When a meeting is adjourned for more than thirty days, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given in the same manner as for the original meeting.
  7. The accidental failure to serve notice of any meeting of the Court on any member shall not invalidate the meeting.


Ordinance 13: Powers of the Court

The Full members of Court shall have the following powers:

  1. To appoint the Chancellor upon the nomination of the Council.
  2. To receive an Annual Report of the proceedings of the University together with the audited Financial Statements approved by the Council.
  3. To consider any matter relating to the University referred to it by the Council, and to report its views on such matters to the Council or the Senate, whichever body is appropriate.
  4. To approve such Regulations concerning the business of the Court as are submitted to it by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.
  5. To appoint four Full members of the Court to be members of the Council, provided that no such election shall be made of any member of the Court appointed to the Court under Class 1, or as a Life Member appointed to the Court under Class 3, as defined in Section 11 of these Ordinances.


Ordinance 14: Registration as a student of the University

  1. The formal registration of a student in the University qualifies the student to pursue a course of study leading to a degree, diploma or certificate.
  2. Candidates for registration shall have passed an examination approved by the Senate as a qualification for admission or been exempted therefrom by the Senate under conditions prescribed by Regulation.
  3. Students at registration shall pay to the University the fee prescribed by Regulation.
  4. Registration shall confer the full privileges of student membership of the University and shall carry the obligation to conform to the rules of the University and to submit to the jurisdiction of the Senate and the Council.
  5. Registered status shall lapse for such period or periods as a student is required to withdraw from the University.


Ordinance 15: Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates

  1. The degrees in the University shall include: Doctor of Letters (DLitt), Doctor of Music (DMus), Doctor of Science (DSc), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD),  Doctor of Social Science (D.Soc.Sci.), Doctor of Laws (LLD), Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol), Doctor of Medicine (MD); Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Master of Research (MRes), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc), Master of Science (4-year, MSci), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Education (MEd); Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Chemistry (MChem), Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Engineering Management (MEM), Master of Mathematics (MMath), Master of Physics (MPhys), Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci), Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB, ChB), Bachelor of Education (BEd), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Arts Foundation Degree (FdA), Science Foundation Degree (FdSc)
  2. In order to qualify for admission to a degree, or qualify for a diploma or certificate in the University every candidate must have:
    1. registered as a student of the University in accordance with the Regulations;
    2. satisfied the requirements for entry upon the appropriate course of study as prescribed by the Regulations relating to the particular degree, diploma or certificate;
    3. pursued that course of study for the prescribed period and passed the required examinations;
    4. paid the prescribed fees; and
    5. complied with such other Ordinances and Regulations as may be relevant.
  3. Subject to the provisions of the Charter and Statutes the Senate may permit students to count courses of study and examinations taken elsewhere as equivalent to courses of study and examinations in the University of Leicester as the Senate shall determine. Such courses of study and examinations at other universities and institutions must be approved by the Senate and recorded in the Regulations for this purpose.  However no first degree of this University shall be conferred on any such person unless he shall have pursued an approved course of study and shall have passed the final examination or examinations in this University or an Associated Institution as defined in Ordinance 29.


Ordinance 16: Award of Degrees, Diplomas, etc

  1. The degrees (other than honorary degrees), diplomas, certificates, Fellowships, Scholarships, Prizes and other distinctions of the University shall be awarded by an appropriately constituted Board of Examiners as set out in Regulations and conferred by the authority of the Senate.
  2. Any degree of the University may be awarded as an honorary degree on the joint recommendation of the Senate and the Council. The procedure for nomination and approval of candidates for honorary degrees shall be prescribed by Regulations.
  3. Degrees and other awards shall be conferred at a Congregation of the University to be held for that purpose at such time and place as may be determined provided that a Congregation shall be held at least once in each year. The degrees shall be conferred by the Chancellor or, in his absence or at his request, by the President and Vice-Chancellor or, in his absence, a Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
  4. Degrees may be conferred upon persons in absentia.
  5. No person shall be awarded a degree or granted a degree or diploma or certificate unless he has paid the fees prescribed and any other sums due to the University.


Ordinance 17: Examiners and examinations

  1. Examinations for a degree, diploma, or certificate of the University, whether taken at one time or in sections, shall be the responsibility of appropriately constituted Panels and Boards of Examiners as set out by Regulations.
  2. The External Examiners of the University shall be appointed by Senate as set out by Regulations
  3. The Internal Examiners of the University are the members of the Academic Staff of the University and such other individuals who may be approved for this purpose on the authority of Senate.


Ordinance 18: The Colleges and their constituent departments

Ordinance 18 repealed July 2015, as approved by Senate and Council.


Ordinance 19: Emeritus Professor and Readers

  1. The Council, or its delegated committee, may confer the title of Emeritus Professor on any Professor upon their retirement from the University, in recognition of their past contribution and their potential and intention to continue to contribute to the success of the University.  It is expected that there will be a continued association with the School/Department and the University and an appropriate contribution through, for example, guest lectures, association with research activities, acting as an ambassador for the University, and attendance at events.
  2. An Emeritus Professor or an Emeritus Reader shall on ceremonial occasions be upon the same footing as a member of the Senate and in order of precedence shall follow members of the Senate.
  3. An Emeritus Professor or an Emeritus Reader shall not as such be entitled to membership of the Council or the Senate, or to exercise any administrative or executive function.


Ordinance 20: The Alumni Association

  1. The Alumni Association shall consist of the following members:
    1. The Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellors and the Treasurer of the University.
    2. The Members of the Academic and Academic-Related Staff of the University.
    3. The Registrar and Secretary of the University.
    4. The Graduates of the University including the Honorary Graduates.
    5. All persons who have obtained a degree of the University of London or of any other University while registered students of the University or of the University College of Leicester.
    6. The holders of such other academic qualifications of the University as shall be prescribed by Ordinance.
  2. A Register shall be kept by the Registrar and Secretary of the University containing the names of all persons who are members of the Alumni Association and such Register shall be conclusive evidence that any person whose name appears therein at the time of claiming to vote in the Alumni Association is entitled to a vote and that any person whose name does not appear therein is not so entitled.
  3. A meeting of the Alumni Association shall be called at least once in every year and at such other times as the Alumni Association may determine.
  4. The Chancellor if present shall preside at the meetings of the Alumni Association.
  5. A general meeting of the Alumni Association may be called by the direction of the Chair and shall also be called on the requisition in writing of not fewer than thirty members.
  6. Not less than twenty-eight days’ notice of a meeting of the Alumni Association shall be given and not less than seven days’ notice of any business to be transacted at such meeting.
  7. No question shall be decided at a meeting of the Alumni Association unless at least twenty five members are present and then only by votes of those present and voting.
  8. There shall be a Standing Committee of the Alumni Association with such membership and such powers as shall be prescribed by Ordinance.


Ordinance 21: Powers of the Alumni Association

The Alumni Association shall have the following powers:

  1. To elect the members of the Standing Committee of the Alumni Association.
  2. To solicit nominations for the role of Chair from across the Alumni Association, and to elect the Chair in accordance with agreed procedure. A working group shall consider the nominations and select a suitable candidate. This candidate would be approved at the next general meeting of the Alumni Association.
  3. To propose the Alumni Association representative member of the Council, for consideration by the Nominations Committee and the Council in accordance with agreed procedure.
  4. To consider any matter whatsoever relating to the University including any matters referred to it by the Council and to report its views on such matters to the People, EDI and Wellbeing Committee, or via whichever body is appropriate.
  5. To prescribe the mode of conducting and recording the proceedings of the Alumni Association and of reporting the proceedings to the Council through an annual report. 


Ordinance 22: The Students' Union

  1. There shall be a Students’ Union of the University (hereinafter called the Union) for the promotion of the general interests of students and to afford a recognised channel of communication between students and the University authorities.
  2. The members of the Union shall be:
    1. all registered students of the University.
    2. such members of staff of the University as may elect to become Associate Members of the Union.
    3. such persons as the Union in accordance with its Regulations may from time to time admit or elect as Associate, Life, Honorary or External Members, provided that any registered student shall have the right not to be a member of the Union if he/she so wishes, and shall not be unfairly disadvantaged by reason of having exercised that right. Students wishing not to be members of the Union must indicate this wish in writing to the Registrar and Secretary (or such officer as he may designate for the purpose), and this decision will remain effective for the duration of their registered student membership of the University unless they take specific action to resume membership. Students who have opted out may not resume membership of the Union during the session in which they have opted out, but they may take up membership in any subsequent session, provided that they indicate a wish to do so in writing to the Registrar and Secretary or his designated officer.
  3. Members under 2(b) and 2(c), other than Honorary Members, will be required to pay such subscription as may be required by the Regulations of the Union.
  4. The Constitution of the Union shall consist of the provisions of the University’s Statutes concerning the Students’ Union, this Ordinance, any other Regulations of the University concerning the Union, the Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Union prepared and approved in accordance with section (6) below, and the Articles and Memorandum of Incorporation. This Constitution shall comply with the terms of the Education (No. 2) Act 1986 and the Education Act 1994, and shall be presented to the Council of the University for review at least every five years. Copies of the Constitution shall be made freely available for inspection by any member of the University in the offices of the Union, the office of the Registrar and Secretary, the Library of the University, and in such other places as the Executive Committee of the Union may designate.
  5. The Union shall designate an officer or an employee who shall have overall responsibility for the implementation of the financial aspects of this Ordinance and of any Regulations of the University concerning the Union. This person shall also have a duty to advise the Union if at any time any action or policy under consideration by the Union appears to be in conflict with any statutory requirements, the terms of this Ordinance, the Regulations of the University, or any other agreement between the Union and the University. The designated person shall be required to inform the President and Vice-Chancellor in writing should the Union decide to proceed contrary to that advice.
  6. Regulations shall be prepared by the Union for the furtherance of the objects of the Union which regulations and any alterations or abrogation thereof shall be of effect and binding on all members of the Union immediately upon receiving the approval of the Registrar and Chief Secretary, whose decision in each case shall be reported to the Council of the University. The Regulations shall provide inter alia for the election of officers by secret ballot, for the conduct of all elections by democratic process, for the publication of an Annual Report and Accounts, for the appointment of a Union Council, an Executive Committee, a Finance and Management Committee and Standing Committees, for the affiliation of Students’ Societies and Athletic Clubs to the Union, for the allocation of resources to affiliated societies and clubs, for the affiliation of the Union to external organisations, and for appropriate procedures governing these activities.
  7. Students shall be permitted to participate in elections of the Union by postal ballot under such circumstances and according to such procedures as shall be defined in the Regulations of the Union.
  8. The conduct of the elections of officers shall be subject to inspection by a person appointed by the University of the University, who shall be required to satisfy himself on behalf of the University that the elections have been fairly and properly conducted, and without whose certificate any election shall be void.
  9. No person shall hold sabbatical office, or paid elected office, in the Union for more than two years in total.
  10. The functions of the Executive Committee, subject to the Regulations of the Union, shall be to represent the Union in all matters affecting its interests.
  11. The Board of Trustees shall be accountable for the administration of the finances of the Union. The accounts of the Union shall at the end of each financial year be audited by a public accountant in the active practice of his profession, and copies of the accounts, with the signed report of the auditor, shall be presented to the Union Council. The audited accounts shall also be presented to the Council of the University, through the University’s Finance Committee, and copies shall be made freely available for inspection by any member of the University in the offices of the Union, the office of the Registrar and Secretary, the Library of the University, and in such other places as the Board of Trustees may designate.
  12. The Annual Report and Accounts of the Union shall contain:
    1. a list of any external organisations to which the Union has made donations in the period to which the report relates, and details of those donations.
    2. a list of any external organisations to which the Union has been affiliated in the period to which the report refers, and details of the subscriptions or fees paid to such organisations in the same period.
  13. The budget of the Union for the forthcoming financial year shall be prepared in accordance with the Regulations of the Union, shall be subject to discussion with the Registrar and Secretary and other appropriate officers of the University, and shall be presented to the Council of the University, through the University’s Finance Committee, for approval.
  14. The Union shall make a quarterly report on its income and expenditure against the approved budget to the University’s Finance Committee.
  15. The Union shall incur no expenditure, and take no other action, which is inconsistent with the law relating to charities.
  16. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to affiliate the Union to outside organisations, subject to legislation, the provisions of Ordinances, and the Regulations of the Union. Any such new affiliation shall be announced by means of a notice stating the name of the organisation, and details of any subscriptions or donations made or proposed. The notice shall be prominently displayed in the Students’ Union, and shall be made available for display in the University Library and the office of the Registrar and Secretary.
  17. The Regulations of the Union shall include procedures for the review of affiliations to external organisations annually. 5% of the members of the Union under 2(a) above may, on provision of a signed requisition, call for a ballot of all members on the continuation of affiliation to a specified external organisation or organisations, provided that no organisation may be the subject of such a ballot more than once in any Academic Year.
  18. The Regulations of the Union shall include procedures for the consideration of any complaints by students (whether members or not) who are dissatisfied in their dealings with the Union. Complainants shall have a right of appeal to an independent person appointed by the Council of the University. Students who, not being members of the Union, claim to have been unfairly disadvantaged as a consequence, may have their complaints considered by the Registrar and Secretary, and shall have a right of appeal thereafter to an independent person.


Ordinance 23: Discipline

  1. Every student shall be subject to such disciplinary regulations and policies as shall from time to time be approved by Senate.
  2. Senate has the power, in part or in full, to exclude a student from the University when it has good cause to do so.  Senate may delegate these powers to the President and Vice-Chancellor or another nominee.  These powers shall be exercised in accordance with the University's Student Disciplinary Regulations which shall be approved by Senate.
  3. Senate has the power to expel a student or impose another reasonable penalty when it has good cause to do so.  Senate may delegate this power to the President and Vice-Chancellor or another nominee.  This power shall be exercised in accordance with the University Student Disciplinary Regulations which shall be approved by Senate.
  4. Senate has the power to deprive a student or a former student of any award when it has good cause to do so.  Senate may delegate this power to the President and Vice-Chancellor or another nominee.  This power shall be exercised in accordance with the University's Student Disciplinary Regulations.


Ordinance 24: Joint Committees

  1. Joint Committees of Council and Senate under Section 9 (3) of the Statutes shall be constituted by a resolution of the Council and a resolution of the Senate and shall consist as to one half of members nominated by the Council and as to one half of members nominated by the Senate.
  2. Such Joint Committees shall report to both Council and Senate.


Ordinance 25: Academic freedom

See below

Ordinance 26: Academic staff - redundancy, discipline, dismissal, removal from office and grievance arrangements under Ordinance 25

The content of Ordinances 25 and 26 is available in the following PDF documents:


Ordinance 27: The Academic Year

  1. The Academic Year shall run from 1st August to 31st July.


Ordinance 28: Notices of meetings

  1. Any notice required to be given by the Statutes, Ordinances, or Regulations, and not otherwise expressly provided for, shall be sufficiently given if sent by post or email to the last registered address of a member of the Council, Court or other body of the University.
  2. Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to be served on the day following that on which it is posted.
  3. Where a given number of days’ notice or notice extending over any other period is required to be given, the day of service shall be counted in such number of days or other period.


Ordinance 29: Associated institutions and associated staff

A. Associated Institutions

  1. An Associated Institution is an Institution which is permitted, with the approval of the Senate, to enter students for specified examinations of the University.
  2. The conferring of the status of Associated Institution shall involve no limitation of the powers of the Governing Body of that Institution, or any interference in the conduct of its internal affairs, other than in relation to the courses of the University being offered by that Institution, save that if more than half the students of the Institution are entered for examinations of the University, the Institution shall make provision for the representation of the University on its Governing Body.
  3. An Associated Institution shall be open to the visitation of the University at any time to allow for the inspection, monitoring and review of any of the University’s courses taught by that Institution.
  4. An Associated Institution shall consult the University in the making of appointments to the staff responsible for teaching courses offered by the University.
  5. Associated Institution status shall be granted by the Senate of the University on the recommendation of the relevant Head of College in relation to first degree level courses, and by the Board of Graduate Studies in relation to postgraduate level courses. Following approval by Senate, Associated Institution status shall in all cases be confirmed by the exchange of a written contract signed by a senior representative of each establishment (in the University’s case, this shall be the Registrar and Secretary).  The contract shall make provision for the termination of Associated Institution status after due notice has been given.

B. Recognised Teachers

  1. The Senate may confer the title of Recognised Teacher on any person on the academic staff of an Associated Institution.
  2. The title of Recognised Teacher shall be awarded for a limited period (subject to renewal) and in relation solely to the duties undertaken by the individual in respect of a specific course or courses.
  3. In conferring the title of Recognised Teacher, Senate or its delegated authority shall have regard to the appropriateness of his or her academic or other professional qualifications to the post, and to his or her capabilities and experience.
  4. A Recognised Teacher shall cease to hold that status and title when he or she no longer holds an appointment on the staff of an Associated Institution.
  5. Only persons who are Recognised Teachers shall be eligible to serve as Internal Examiners for examinations conducted by the University.
  6. The University may withdraw the status and title of Recognised Teacher, but before doing so shall consider any representation made by the Associated Institution concerned.

C. Associate Tutors

  1. Persons who are employed by the University on annual or other limited contracts to provide academic tuition to students of the University are accorded the title and status of Associate Tutor.
  2. In appointing an Associate Tutor, a Head of Department shall have regard to the appropriateness of his or her academic or other professional qualifications to the post, and to his or her capabilities and experience.


Ordinance 30: Appointment of members of the Council by Court under Statutes Section 4(1) Class 3

  1. The Court shall have the power to appoint to membership of the Council up to four persons from its own Full membership in accordance with Statutes, Section 4 (1), Class 3.
  2. Members of staff and students of the University shall not be qualified for membership of Council in this Class, provided that any member appointed in this category shall not be disqualified if he or she subsequently registers as a student.
  3. The Nominations Committee shall consider the names of the members of Court eligible for appointment and shall make recommendations to the Court thereon.
  4. The recommendations of the Nominations Committee shall be considered by the Court at its Annual General Meeting unless the vacancy for which the nomination is to be considered is a casual vacancy, in which case the vacancy shall be filled according to the provisions of Statutes, Section 4(4) whereby Council may fill that vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting of the Court.
  5. In making recommendations in accordance with this Ordinance, the Nominations Committee shall take account of the backgrounds and expertise of those nominated, and shall take such steps as are reasonable to secure a balance of membership appropriate to the functions of Council.
  6. The Nominations Committee may make such arrangements as it thinks fit, including written submissions, formal or informal interviews, to assess the suitability of candidates for membership.
  7. Members appointed in this Class shall serve for periods of three years. Membership may be renewed for a maximum continuous period of nine years and the member shall then retire for at least three full years before being eligible for reappointment.
  8. Court shall, in exceptional circumstances and upon the recommendation of the Nominations Committee, have the power to waive the conditions on maximum length of service as set out in Paragraph 7 above, provided it passes a specific resolution to this effect.
  9. No person shall be nominated for membership of Council in this Class unless that person shall have indicated a willingness to serve.
    1. In accordance with Statutes, Section 4 (8) and subject to Statutes, Section 4 (5) no person shall be eligible for appointment or reappointment as a member of the Council (Class 3) unless notice of his her nomination shall have been given on the agenda paper of a duly convened meeting of the Court.
    2. Such notice shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the background of the candidates.
  10. All the proceedings in the appointment of members of the Court to the Council shall be held to be strictly private and no communication regarding the proceedings shall be made to any person who is not a member of the Council without the authority of the Chair of the Council.


Ordinance 31: Appointment of members of the Council by Council under Statutes Section 4(1) Class 5

  1. The Council shall have the power to appoint up to eight persons to membership of Council in accordance with Statutes, Section 4 (1), Class 5.
  2. Members of staff and students of the University shall not be qualified for membership of Council in this Class, provided that any member appointed in this category shall not be disqualified if he or she subsequently registers as a student.
  3. The Nominations Committee shall be responsible for bringing forward recommendations to Council for appointments in this Class. Notice of forthcoming vacancies will be given in the agenda paper of a meeting of Council prior to the meeting at which nominations are to be received.
  4. In seeking candidates, the Nominations Committee may solicit recommendations from existing members of Council, from Court, from Senate, from the Alumni Association, and from other members of the University. It may also, if it thinks fit, use other means, such as advertising, to identify potential members.
  5. All names for consideration by the Nominations Committee shall be submitted to the Registrar and Secretary in writing, and the Committee shall consider all names submitted to it in this way.
  6. In making recommendations to Council, the Nominations Committee shall take account of the backgrounds and expertise of those nominated, and shall take such steps as are reasonable to secure a balance of membership appropriate to the functions of Council.
  7. The Nominations Committee may make such arrangements as it thinks fit, including written submissions, formal or informal interviews, to assess the suitability of candidates for membership.
  8. Members appointed in this Class shall serve for periods of three years. Membership may be renewed for a maximum continuous period of nine years and the member shall then retire for at least three full years before being eligible for reappointment.
  9. Council shall, in exceptional circumstances, have the power to waive the conditions on maximum length of service as set out in Paragraph 8 above, provided it passes a specific resolution to this effect.
  10. The recommendations of the Nominations Committee shall be considered by the Council at a scheduled meeting in the Summer Term, unless the vacancy is a casual vacancy, in which case the nomination will be considered at the next scheduled meeting at which proper notice can be given.
  11. No person shall be nominated for membership of Council in this Class unless that person shall have indicated a willingness to serve.
  12. The recommendations of the Nominations Committee shall be given in the agenda paper for the meeting of Council, and shall be accompanied by a brief statement of the background of the candidates.
  13. All the proceedings in the appointment of lay members of Council shall be held to be strictly private and no communication regarding these proceedings shall be made to any person who is not a member of Council without the authority of the Chair of Council.


Ordinance 32: Appointment of members of Council by Senate under Statutes Section 4(1) Class4

  1. The Senate may appoint academic members of the Senate to membership of the Council in accordance with the provisions of Statutes, Section 4 (1), Class 4.
  2. In the Summer Term all members of the Senate will be invited to nominate members of Senate for consideration for appointment to membership of the Council. Such nominations must be submitted in writing or by email to the Academic Registrar.
  3. Where the number of nominations is equal to or less than the number of vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated will be deemed to have been elected.
  4. Where the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, an election by postal ballot shall be held, the ballot papers being circulated at least two weeks before the meeting of Senate at which the appointments are to be confirmed. The electorate for such a ballot shall be the current membership of Senate, and the returning officer shall be the Academic Registrar.
  5. The ballot paper shall list the persons nominated and members of the Senate shall each have one vote in respect of each vacancy. The vacancies shall be filled by the candidates receiving the most votes. Where two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes in respect of a vacancy the appointment will be decided by lot.
  6. The appointments shall be considered by Senate at its final meeting of the academic year, unless the vacancy for which the appointment is being considered is a casual vacancy, in which case the appointment will be considered at the next scheduled meeting after the vacancy has arisen.
  7. Members appointed in this Class shall serve for periods of three years and the member shall then retire for at least one full year before being eligible for reappointment.


Ordinance 33: Removal of members of the Court and the Council

  1. Any member of the Court or of the Council (other than the ex officio members or members of the academic staff to whom Ordinance 25 and 26 applies) may be removed for good cause by the Council, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinances, provided that:
    1. no member of the Court shall be removed from the Court without the Court having first been given an opportunity to consider the proposed removal and to comment thereon to the Council; and
    2. no person shall be removed by the Council unless he shall have been given a reasonable opportunity to have been heard by the Council.
  2. "Good cause" in this Section means:
    1. conviction for an offence which may be deemed by the Council to be such as to render the person convicted unfit to hold the position or unfit for the execution of the duties of the position; or
    2. conduct of an immoral, scandalous or disgraceful nature incompatible with the duties of the membership of the Court or the Council; or
    3. conduct constituting failure or persistent refusal or neglect or inability to perform the duties or comply with the conditions of the position.


Ordinance 34: Appointment of members of Senate under Statutes Section 6.1 (c), (d), (e) and (f)

  1. The following shall be members of Senate under Statute Section 6.1(c): The Head of the Doctoral College, the Academic Registrar, the Director of Research and Enterprise, the Pro-Vice Chancellors, the University Librarian and one further member of the Professional Services, elected by the Professional Services community, for a period of consecutive tenure not exceeding three years.
  2. The following shall be members of Senate under Statute Section 6.1(d): The heads of the academic units included in each college, as determined by the Senate.
  3. The following shall be members of Senate under Statute Section 6.1(e): Two members of the academic and research staff drawn from each of the Colleges, to be nominated by the Head of College from staff other than those prescribed elsewhere in Statute Section 6.1, and for a period of consecutive tenure not exceeding three years.  Senate may appoint up to two other members in this category. In addition to nominated members, the following shall be members of Senate under this section: four further members of academic staff, one from each college, elected by the academic community, for a period of consecutive tenure not exceeding three years.
  4. The following shall be members of Senate under Statute Section 6.1(f): Two officers of the Students’ Union, to be appointed by the Executive Committee.
  5. The following shall be members of Senate under Statute Section 6.1(g): Four current registered students of the University, appointed by the Students’ Union from amongst  Lead Union Representatives, including one from each college and normally drawn from different levels of study. Members under this section shall be appointed for a tenure of up to two  years.


Ordinance 35: Retirement of the members of the staff

Ordinance 35 was repealed on 3 September 2012. For information on retirement, including flexible/phased retirement, please see the HR Office's retirement page (log-in required).


Ordinance 36: The external auditor or auditors

  1. The Council shall appoint an external Auditor or Auditors annually.  Every such Auditor shall be a member of a recognised supervisory body and eligible for appointment under the rules of that body and the provisions of the Companies Act 2006.  The Council shall take account of requirements and guidance from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (or its successor bodies) when making appointments.
  2. The Auditor or Auditors shall hold office for a period not longer than 12 months and shall be eligible for re-appointment and shall receive such remuneration as may be determined by the Council, or by such committee as the Council may have designated for this purpose.
  3. The Auditor or Auditors shall have a right of access at all reasonable times to the books, records, accounts and vouchers of the University and shall be entitled to require from the University such information and explanations as may be necessary for the performance of his or their duties.
  4. If the office of Auditor or Auditors shall become vacant for any reason before the expiration of his or their period of office the Council shall forthwith appoint an Auditor or Auditors in his or their place for the remainder of such period.
  5. An Auditor may resign by written notice addressed to the Council.


Ordinance 37: Contracts

  1. Contracts made by or on behalf of the University shall be validly made and binding on the University if made as follows:
    1. Any contract which if made between private persons would be by law required to be in writing and if made according to English law to be under Seal may be made on behalf of the University in writing under its Common Seal and such contract may in the same manner be varied or discharged.
    2. Any contract which if made between private persons would be by law required to be in writing and signed only by the parties to be charged therewith may be made on behalf of the University in writing signed by any person acting under the express or implied authority of the Council and such contract may in the same manner be varied or discharged.
    3. Any contract which if made between private persons would by law be valid although made orally only and not reduced into writing may be made either in writing or orally on behalf of the University by any persons acting under the express or implied authority of the Council and such contract may in the same manner be varied or discharged.


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