About the University of Leicester

Honorary Degrees Board

Terms of Reference and Membership 2022


To consider nominations for Honorary Degrees and Distinguished Honorary Fellowships and recommend them to Senate and Council for approval; to ensure that appropriate awards are given.


1)To consider nominations for Honorary Degrees and Distinguished Honorary Fellowships.
2) To recommend nominations for Honorary Degrees and Distinguished Honorary Fellowships to Senate and Council.
3) To consider, record and address the potential equal opportunity impacts of decisions made by the Board (in accordance with the ’due regard’ provisions of the Equality Act 2010).

Reports to

The Board reports to Senate and Council in the form of reports following meetings, usually once per annum.

Constitution and Membership

The constitution of the Board is as follows:

a)The President and Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
b) The Chair of Council
c) The Treasurer
d) The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
e) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professional Services)
f) The Heads of College
g) The Professor of Public Engagement
h) The Public Orators
i) The Chairs of the Staff Equality Action Groups
j) The President of the Students’ Union
k) The Registrar and Secretary
l) The Chief Marketing and Engagement Officer

All appointments are ex-officio and will sit on the Board for the duration of their appointment in their substantive post.


Governance Office.

Frequency of Meetings

Meetings normally occur once per annum, as required.


The quorum for the Board is 5 members. 


The Terms of Reference and membership are normally reviewed annually, at the start of each academic year.

Membership 2022

a.The President and Vice-Chancellor (Chair): Nishan Canagarajah
b. The Chair of Council: Gary Dixon
c. The Treasurer: Ian Johnson
d. The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Edmund Burke  (to 31 August 2022)
e. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professional Services): Kerry Law  (from 1 June 2022)
f. The Heads of College:
1. Tom Robinson (Life Sciences)
2. Sarah Davies (Science and Engineering)
3. Henrietta O'Connor (Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities)
g. The Professor of Public Engagement: Turi King
h. The Public Orators:
1. Paul Jenkins
2. Graham Shipley
3. Nigel Siesage
i. The Chairs of the Staff Equality Action Groups
1. Disability Action Group: Martyn Mahaut-Smith
2. Gender Equality Action Group: Pascale Lorber
3. LGBT+ Action Group: Manish Maisuria
4. Race Equality Action Group: Paul Campbell
j. The President of the Students’ Union: Rhiannon Jenkins
k. The Registrar and Secretary: Geoff Green

In attendance

Secretary to Honorary Degrees Board – Alison Benson (contact: governance@le.ac.uk)

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