Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Our strategy and objectives

The University’s strategy, 'Shaping our Second Century', places Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at the heart of who we are and outlines our vision to be a truly inclusive University.

Our EDI strategy sets out how we will achieve our commitment to be a truly inclusive university, through six inter-connected strategic aims.

Equity and inclusivity in all that we do

We will integrate and embed principles and practices of EDI into the life of the University, in how we operate, design and deliver all we do. We will identify and dismantle institutional structural barriers to ensure equitable outcomes for all members of our community.

Valuing and building our diversity

We will enhance our student and staff experience, valuing a diversity of perspectives, ideas and lived experiences and build greater staff diversity to enable an inclusive, inspiring and impactful offer.

Culture and behaviours

We will build a culture that is inclusive, anti-discriminatory and welcoming, safe and supportive for all.

Voices and evidence

We will take an evidence-based approach, listening to the voices and lived experiences of our community and responding with actions to advance equity and inclusion.

External benchmarks and measures

We will continually review our progress measuring ourselves against external benchmarks and relevant EDI charters.

An intersectional approach

We will focus on those areas and aspects of human identity where we know persistent disadvantage and barriers exist, to challenge inequities.

Read our EDI strategy delivery plan and objectives 2023-2028 (docx., 29kb)

Delivery of the EDI strategy (PDF, 752kb) is supported by a comprehensive 5-year delivery plan, detailing specific EDI objectives, with associated key performance indicators.

Our EDI objectives at an institution level are also supported by a number of other EDI related action plans, including Athena Swan Institutional Action Plan, Race Equality Charter Action Plan, Disability Confident Leader Action Plan, and Access and Participation Plan.

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