

Green plant iconWe recognise the challenges of the climate emergency and the ecological crisis and treat them both as a priority.

University actions

  • We are committed to achieving biodiversity net gain across our estate by enhancing natural habitats and encouraging local wildlife in line with local and regional action plans, particularly the Leicestershire nature recovery plan.   Following a baseline biodiversity audit (bioblitz) we will establish a goal for 10% biodiversity net gain from baseline
  • We have signed the Leicestershire Climate and Nature Pact
  • Since 2020, the grounds and gardens team have turned some of our grass lawns into ‘tapestry lawns’ to increase biodiversity on the University campus by planting wildflowers. By transforming these lawns (then leaving them virtually untouched), we have improved both the aesthetic of the University estate and its species diversity
  • With 20,000 bulbs planted in the tapestry lawns, there are 60 different plant species present with 25% more invertebrate life than typical grass lawns, and 10 times the number of visits from twice as many pollinators
  • Creating richer habitats such as tapestry lawns also encourages wildlife (e.g. hedgehogs) to inhabit these areas, further helping to protect these species. It looks great too.

Masterplan targets


Tree audit

With varied planting across our sites, including at the Attenborough Arboretum, updating our existing tree inventory data will capture the latest picture across the estate. This will enable an estimate to be made of the carbon currently stored by the trees and will inform future tree planting. The carbon sequestered by trees contributes to our ultimate aim of reducing the quantity of carbon in the atmosphere.

Ecosystem service valuation of University greenspace

As part of the Biodiversity Working Group’s Living Lab programme, a series of undergraduate and postgraduate student projects will assess the ecosystem services provided by University greenspace. Such projects include assessing air quality improvements and reduced flood risk through water interception and run-off prevention.


Establish University land sequestration baseline

We recognise the challenges of the climate emergency and the ecological crisis and treat them both as a priority.

We believe that harnessing the powers of a biodiverse campus can help us reach net zero by 2040. By calculating the sequestration (the ability to absorb and store carbon) baseline for our estate, we can identify and enhance the potential of our land to absorb and store carbon as part of our efforts to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises.

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