
Proposed changes at the University of Leicester

28 January 2021

Last week, we entered a consultation period with 145 staff over proposals for change, with a potential net reduction of around 60 roles (subject to the outcome of consultation and selection processes). 
上周有145名员工进入了我校改革提案的协商阶段,协商可能会减少的大约60个岗位 (视协商和甄选过程的结果而定)。

Following the announcement, there have been a number of erroneous assertions in the media regarding the proposed changes. In order to follow our process, we hadn’t wanted to share the full details of the changes publicly until we had the chance to discuss these proposals with our staff first-hand. This has now happened.
此安排宣布之后,媒体上涌现出一些错误的断言。我校遵循大学内部流程,首先安排与我们的员工共同讨论此提案细节, 准备在与员工讨论结束以后再面向公众公开此事。如今,事与愿违。

This statement responds to a number of inaccuracies currently being shared:

145 posts are at risk of redundancy, of which we are expecting a net reduction of approximately 60 posts (subject to the outcome of consultation and selection processes). 145 people at risk of redundancy does not mean 145 people will be made redundant. We will work with our staff to minimise the number of compulsory redundancies.
145个岗位存在裁减风险,我们预计大约60个岗位会被消减 (视协商和甄选过程的结果而定) 。 145个岗位存在裁减风险并不意味着145名员工将被裁员。我们将与员工合作,把强制裁员的数量降至最低。

Of the 145 posts at risk, 63 are academic posts and 82 are professional services staff.

Proposals are based on long-term strategy and not on individual performance or affiliations.

These proposals are not linked to decolonising our curriculum. Our work on decolonising the curriculum is an important, entirely separate initiative to diversify our teaching and learning and make the University more inclusive for all our students. We have one of the most diverse student bodies in the UK.

We are not proposing to close degree courses in Business, Neuroscience, Psychology or Mathematics.

No final decisions have been made – we are currently in the consultation phase of the formal process.

Much of the media coverage (and social media responses) centred on our proposed changes to English and stated that the University plans to “ban” the teaching of medieval authors such as Geoffrey Chaucer, in order to move to a “decolonised curriculum”.

Any assertion that authors, such as Chaucer, will be “banned” from the English literature curriculum have no basis, nor do any stories suggesting these proposals are linked to a programme to decolonise the curriculum. 
任何关于诗人乔叟等作家作品将被 "禁止 "进入英国文学课程大纲属于谣言,没有任何依据关联到我们课程设置去殖民化色彩的工作。

The proposed changes to medieval literature have been informed by a drop in demand from undergraduate and postgraduate students in recent years. The University cannot continue to offer modules that consistently attract small and ever-declining numbers, especially when the pressures across the higher education sector are taken into account. Under our proposals for English, we will continue to offer a wide chronological range, covering hundreds of years of English literature – enabling students to experience the scope of literature they tell us they want to see in an English curriculum today. 
近年来,由于本科生和研究生对中世纪文学的需求下降,大学着手中世纪文学课程的改革。大学无法持续提供学生兴趣持续下滑且吸引力极小的课程模块,特别是此情况已经给整个高等教育行业带来了压力。根据我们有关英语课程设置的提案,我们将继续提供时间跨度广泛、涵盖数百年的英国文学课程 – 满足广大学生获得他们希望在当前英语课程中学到的英语文学内容。

We are now in an extensive, 90-day consultation period and are engaging closely with unions, staff, students and external stakeholders. We will review all the feedback we receive as part of this consultation. The proposed programme of change has been designed to build upon the University’s position as a leading, research-intensive university; one that provides an exceptional educational experience for all students and staff, now and in the future. We understand this is a challenging time for our community but any decisions made will ultimately be taken with the long-term interest of the University at heart.

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