Sport and Active Life

User conditions

Applicable to all users.

1. Definitions

1.1. Block Booking: a booking for a series of uses of Facilities at different times
1.2. Booking: either a Single Booking or a Block Booking
1.3. The Centre: Sport and Physical Activity operating from the Centre’s locations on University premises being The Danielle Brown Sports Centre, The Roger Bettles Sports Centre, the Charles Wilson Sports Hall, the University Playing Fields on Stoughton Road, Oadby
1.4. Centre Manager: The Manager of the Centre or their nominee
1.5. Duty Manager: the University manager on duty at the relevant location
1.6. Facilities: the premises, equipment and other facilities of the Centre
1.7. Group: where Users are to use the Centre’s Facilities under a shared activity
1.8. Group Leader: where a Group is to use the Centre’s Facilities the person making the Booking
1.9. Member: a User who has membership of the Centre by currently paying an annual or monthly fee for use of some or all of the Facilities
1.10. Single Booking: a Booking for use of Facilities at one time only
1.11. Special Users: children, vulnerable adults or Users with disabilities (see section 7)
1.12. University: The University of Leicester (of which the Centre is a part)
1.13. User: any person or organisation using the Facilities of the Centre (including spectators, supporters and visitors)
1.14. Website:
1.15. The Sport and Active Life Service email address:

2. Permitted users and membership

2.1. Use of the Centre’s Facilities is available to Members, individuals and other organisations/people agreed by the Centre’s staff. The minimum age for membership or use of fitness equipment is 16. Under 16’s may be permitted use of some of the sports facilities (e.g. tennis/badminton courts) at the discretion of the Sports Centre Duty Manager and dependant on the nature of the activity. We reserve the right to insist on a responsible adult supervising the activity.
2.2. Members shall be bound by the additional membership conditions (including any variations to those conditions) detailed on the Website.
2.3. Students or staff may be required to provide proof of status.
2.4. Members must use and carry about them at all times their membership card. Entry and use of the Facilities as a Member may be denied where a Member cannot produce their membership card. Centre staff may at their absolute discretion allow entry and use of the Facilities where suitable alternative ID can be produced. Entry and use of the Facilities as a Member may be denied where a Member cannot produce their membership card.
2.5. Membership cards are individual to the member concerned and must not be given or lent to, or used by, any third parties.
2.6. Users are responsible for the safe keeping of their membership card. Pending any investigation regarding the suspected wrongful use of a card membership/ right to use the Facilities may immediately be temporarily suspended.
2.7. Any found, lost or stolen membership cards must be immediately reported using the email address:

3. Exclusion of liability

3.1. Unless caused by the negligence of the University the University excludes all liability leading to death or personal injury.
3.2. The University does not accept responsibility for any damage to or loss of any money, valuables, clothing or property of any kind. All items are left at the User’s risk.

4. Acceptance and responsibility

4.1. All Bookings are made on these Conditions. Conditions may only be varied where done so in writing by the Centre Manager.
4.2. All Users use the Centre subject to these Conditions. Non-compliance with any part of these Conditions may generally lead to immediate suspension or termination of membership/right to use the Facilities.
4.3. Users in a Group shall have joint and several liability. This means that any one User in the Group can be held liable for the total liability of the Group (even where the User may not themselves have been at fault).
4.4. Where required to give personal contact details Users must ensure that any changes are immediately made known to the Centre’s staff.

5. Cancellation

5.1. Unless agreed to the contrary by the Centre Manager only the User who requested a Booking may seek its cancellation.
5.2. Cancellations will not be accepted unless agreed by a member of Centre’s staff.
5.3. Generally a Block Booking will not be considered for cancellation unless at least one week’s notice has been given before the date of use.
5.4. Generally a Single Booking will not be considered for cancellation unless at least 48 hours notice has been given before the date of use.
5.5. The University reserves the right to cancel any Booking in the event of inclement weather (outdoor facilities only), circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Centre which make the Booking no longer feasible, or the facility is deemed unsafe for the kind of Booking proposed. Under these circumstances the University will use its best endeavours to give as much notice of cancellation as possible. Notice will be given by telephone or email. Notice can only be given if contact details have been provided.
5.6. The University may immediately cancel any Booking where a User covered by that Booking has breached any of these Conditions.
5.7. Failure to turn up for three Bookings in the period of a Block Booking may, without notice, result in the cancellation of the Booking, regardless of whether the User has notified the Centre in advance of the anticipated non-attendance.

6. Standards of behaviour

6.1. The University reserves the right to request any User to leave the Centre and any other part of its premises, to refuse access, impose further conditions on access and suspend or terminate membership, if the User behaves in an aggressive or harassing manner towards its staff or other users, or behaves in any other way deemed unacceptable (e.g. frequently booking a place for a class and then not attending, allowing someone else to use their membership card, etc.). The University may exercise its discretion when considering a User’s continued membership and can terminate membership where an allegation of misconduct has been made but where there is no conclusive proof of inappropriate behaviour. 
6.2. Users will in particular refrain from any conduct which is offensive, unseemly or unsporting, or which might cause annoyance or danger to others.
6.3. Users will comply with all instructions and requests made by the Duty Manager or other Centre staff.
6.4. Users will treat equipment/keys loaned or hired with respect.
6.5. Users will not use or possess alcoholic drinks or illegal drugs whilst on University premises. Where the location is University playing fields, Users must comply with the Countryside Code.
6.6. Some parts of the Centre (e.g. the swimming pool) will have additional local rules specifying or prohibiting certain forms of behaviour. Users will comply with these rules.

7. Children, vulnerable adults and users with disabilities

7.1. Children are those under the age of 18. Vulnerable Adults are those as defined under section 59 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Group Act 2006. A disabled person is someone with a disability as defined under relevant disability laws. If any Booking is to involve a Special User, notice should be given to the Centre Manager at the time of booking to ensure proper arrangements exist or appropriate arrangements can be made.
7.2. The University is a committed equal opportunities organisation. It will not unlawfully discriminate against Special Users. It will look to accommodate the needs of Special Users. However the University reserves the right to cancel a Booking where to do so would be lawful and the University feels it cannot reasonably accommodate all the identified needs of the Special User.

8. Pets and animals

8.1. Pets and other animals are not permitted on any University premises. The only exceptions to this are guide dogs for the blind, hearing dogs for the deaf and other working dogs that assist people with disabilities.

9. Payment and deposits

9.1. Lists of applicable charges and terms of payment are available at all receptions and on the Website.
9.2. Details of applicable deposits, changes, and membership fees are described on the Website. The University reserves the right to retain any monies (or other cards/valuables) deposited or paid for hire of equipment/keys if equipment/keys are not returned or if returned in an unsatisfactory condition, if you have been using the facility without the relevant membership, or if you have been participating in Team Leicester club sports without the appropriate membership.
9.3. In all cases, should the User default on payment, the University reserves the right to cancel the Booking and retain any deposit or part payment received.
9.4 The University may automatically increase prices by up to 5% and Introduce charges where none previously existed. The University will give reasonable notice of such changes.

10. Health and safety

10.1. Users will comply with the Sport and Active Life Service Statement on Safety in University Sports Facilities (PDF, 136kb)
10.2. Bookings will be subject to completion of satisfactory risk assessments where required by the law or otherwise indicated by Centre staff. Users must always complete a satisfactory risk assessment and provide a copy of that assessment to the Duty Manager before commencement of the activity where the following equipment is to be used:

  • inflatable equipment (such as bouncy castles)
  • gas bottles
  • heavy equipment
  • rocket launching
  • any other activity deemed to warrant a specific risk assessment

10.3. All injuries/accidents must be reported immediately to the Duty Manager (if necessary through any Centre staff on duty). Duty Managers are qualified first aiders.
10.4. Users will provide supporting information on health and safety issues where required.
10.5. Users should not hesitate to call emergency services where needed.
10.6. Users must check Facilities before use and report any concerns immediately to Centre staff.
10.7. The Centre reserves the right to refuse access to any facility if it is deemed to be unsafe. This includes where the recommended maximum number of Users for a facility has been reached.

11. Evacuation

11.1. In the event of a fire or emergency of any kind resulting in the need to evacuate the building, an alarm will sound and users are required to leave the premises at the nearest signed exit and to follow instructions of the Duty Managers/Fire Wardens. Please familiarise yourself with the location of exit signs.

12. Damage/Defects

12.1. Users must stop using and immediately report to the Duty Manager any damaged or defective Facilities that might pose a danger.
12.2. Users must not abuse the property of the University. Fair wear and tear accepted, Users must not damage Facilities. Users will be responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing damaged Facilities. Replacement or repair will be at the University’s option. Users may not be allowed to use Facilities again until any such charges have been paid.

13. Clothing and footwear

13.1. For participation in sporting and physical activity, appropriate dress (including upper torso clothing) and footwear must be worn at all times. Users must check the footwear and clothing requirements for the location in which they are playing and ensure that they comply with the requirements.

14. Equipment

14.1. No electrical equipment may be brought into the Centre locations without prior approval of the Centre Manager.
14.2. All electrical equipment must conform to relevant legal standards and may only be used after confirmation of acceptability by the Centre Manager.
14.3. Users are not permitted to move any large equipment (e.g. goals, nets and posts) around or off the area booked unless properly trained to do so.
14.4. Users are entirely responsible for the operation and safety of their own and other equipment not belonging to the Centre.

15. Changing facilities and locker use policy

15.1. Arrangements for changing Facilities vary across the Centre. It is the responsibility of Users to enquire and check in advance that their needs can be satisfied.
15.2. Items of great value should not be brought into any facility.
15.3. All bags and outdoor clothing should be secured in the lockers provided. No clothing is to be brought to the pool side.
15.4. Lockers are provided for the convenience of all Users. When a User has finished they must ensure the key is returned to the correct lock.
15.5. Lockers may only be used for the limited period of each individual session e.g each swim or each trip to the fitness suite. The lockers are regularly checked after closing hours, any belongings found after hours will be removed at the Users own risk and a minimum £10 charge will be imposed. Repeated abuse of lockers may in particular lead to immediate suspension of membership/ability to use the Facilities.
15.6. Sport and Physical Activity accept no responsibility for the security of member’s belongings. Any belongings collected will be disposed of 1 month after collection.

16. Photography

16.1.Photography or video recording in any form is not permitted anywhere within the Sports Facilities/Gyms without the express permission of the Duty Manager on shift.

17. Food and drink

17.1. With the exception of the Stoughton Road Playing Field Pavilion, no food of any kind may be brought into the Facilities without prior permission from the Centre Manager. Only drink contained within a sealed bottle and for personal rehydration as Users exercise may be brought into the Centre.
17.2. Where permission for the use of outside caterers or the provision of own food is granted, the detailed requirements of the Centre Manager must be followed. In particular the Facilities must be left in a clean, tidy, hygienic state with all waste food and materials being removed by the Users. The cost of any additional cleaning which is necessary will be recharged to the Users in full. Any external catering company must provide sufficient public liability insurance cover.

18. Car parking

18.1. Main campus parking is available to all members after 18.00 on weekdays, and all day on weekends and bank holidays. On weekdays, access is restricted between 08.00 and 18.00 and a permit scheme operates. Permits are not issues to staff or student members.
18.2. Parking at the Stoughton Road playing fields is free but capacity is limited. Users are advised to check with the Centre Manager when enquiring about hosting an event. Access to parking by the Pavilion is available only to disabled users and for delivery and pick up purposes.
18.3. Parking at The Roger Bettles Sports Centre is free. User must park in the car park wherever possible and only if it is full, park on Manor Road. When they do users must only park on the “sports facility” side of the road.
18.4. All parking Facilities are offered on a first come basis. Parking cannot be guaranteed.

19. Opening/closing and description of facilities

19.1. The opening and closing times of Facilities are detailed on the Website.
19.2. A User will be required to cease using Facilities or not start use of Facilities at times specified. As a minimum a User must usually cease use of the Facilities 30 minutes before closing time. Members may not be present in the sports/exercise areas outside of their permitted use times.
19.3. Facilities available at each Centre location are generally described on the Website. If Users have any specific or additional requirements for Facilities these must be agreed in writing by the Centre Manager. It is the responsibility of Users to check in advance that the relevant location has the Facilities they need.
19.4. The University may vary any services delivered to a User. In particular closing and opening times remain subject to change. Facilities remain subject to change. Activities e.g. classes organised by the Centre, remain subject to change. Change includes both withdrawal and re-timetabling.
19.5. The University will not be held liable where its services cannot be delivered through circumstances beyond its reasonable control e.g. through staff absence and severe weather conditions.

20. Fitness facilities and exercise classes

20.1. All Users of the fitness Facilities must receive a gym induction and complete to the University’s satisfaction a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (ParQ) form before using the fitness Facilities
20.2. If a User’s circumstances change at any time the User must consult a member of staff immediately and, if required, be prepared to seek medical advice.
20.3. Users must seek advice from the Centre’s staff before using equipment that was not covered in their induction.
20.4. In the interest of hygiene it is recommended that users bring a small towel when training.
20.5. Users are required to replace weights, dumbbells and lifting accessories and to wipe down the equipment after use.
20.6. No phone calls are to be made or taken in the fitness suite.
20.7. Training attire deemed appropriate by the Centre's staff must be worm at all times. No jeans are allowed and appropriate upper-torso clothing and footwear must be worn.
20.8. It is not permitted to bring any size of bag (or other items not directly required in connection with the use of the equipment within the Facilities) into the fitness suite. Please use lockers provided in the changing rooms.
20.9. If Users cannot attend pre-booked class they must contact the reception at the facility their class was due to be held in to cancel enrolment. Attendance is monitored and members who consistently fail to turn up will be contacted and after a warning may have membership suspended.

21. Block bookings by Sports Association clubs and general bookings

21.1. If the club fails to attend a session, the Centre will contact the Group Leader to ask for an explanation and the club will be invoiced for the full cost of the session. If a club fails to attend on more than two occasions without an explanation deemed satisfactory by the Centre Manager, all remaining dates for the Booking will be cancelled for the remainder of that season and a charge made for all missed Bookings.
21.2. All Users in a club must be members of the Centre and have their membership cards with them or pay the normal user fee on arrival. Cards will be checked by centre staff.
21.3. The Group Leader must report to reception on arrival for the activity.
21.4. In the interest of fair access to Facilities, only one different activity booking (such as badminton etc) can be made under one membership name per day.

22. Comments and complaints

22.1. If Users wish to pass on a compliment, raise a concern, or make a complaint, customer comments forms are available at all Facilities. The Reception will be able to show Users where this is. Alternatively, email the Centre’s email address.

23. General

23.1. These are the entire terms and conditions that relate to Users use of the Centre.
23.2. No temporary forbearance by the University shall constitute a binding waiver.
23.3. These conditions shall give no contractual rights to any third parties.
23.4. These Conditions remain subject to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English court.

Version updated: June 2024

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