Scott Davidson
The academic profile of Dr Scott Davidson, Lecturer in Media and Public Relations at University of Leicester.
Archaeologies of Space, Place and GIS
Module code: AR3047 Why is an effective understanding of space and place central to the discipline of archaeology? How have archaeologists (Philosophers, Anthropologists, Geographers and Historians) conceptualised and studied the inherent spatiality of past social...
Computer Architecture
Module code: CO1104 While modern computers and computer-controlled devices are complex, there are key components from which these are built. In particular they have a processor which might be thought of as the heart of a computer.
Freedom of information
See your rights to access data held by the University under the freedom of information act (2000).
HyPIR expert on space warfare shares insights on Trump’s Space Force
HyPIR expert on space warfare shares insights on Trump’s Space Force HyPIR expert on space warfare shares insights on Trump’s Space Force 500|Dr Bleddyn Bowen says that the US Space Force isn’t as new or dangerous as many think Dr Bleddyn Bowen (pictured), an expert on space...
National accreditation for University Library Archives and Record Office
Our University Library and the Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland have both been awarded Archives Service Accreditation.
The Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet)
The Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet) is a national and international audit collecting data on all children admitted to a paediatric (children's) intensive care units and transport organisations.
Parent and Public Advisory Group
Are you interested in the health and wellbeing of babies and young children in Leicester and Leicestershire? Can you help us improve our work into the health of babies and young children? Our team is trying to find out how different factors in the early life of babies...
Research shows women who feel more at risk of crime also prefer physically dominant partners
Women who prefer physically formidable and dominant mates (PPFDM) tend to feel more at risk of crime regardless of the situation or risk factors present, according to researchers from the Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour.
New heart attack genes discovered
Scientists have discovered two new genes which are associated with a person’s risk of coronary heart disease in an international collaboration involving BHF and NIHR-funded researchers. The findings could lead to new statin-like treatments to prevent heart attacks.