
10586 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Leicester Conference venue receives new accolade

    Our conference and training venue College Court has taken pride of place in a prestigious local awards dinner.

  • Placements

    Students in the Department of Informatics at the University of Leicester can undertake industry placements as part of their degree. If you are a business looking for candidates, find out how we can work with you.

  • Leicester cited in Parliamentary debate on world-class impact of UK science

    Our University has been cited for the world-class impact of its work in a Parliamentary debate on Treasury Support for UK Science.

  • Cancer scientists take part in Tough Mudder

    A team of scientists is all set to get down and dirty this weekend – all in the aid of charity. Scientists based at the Cancer Research UK Leicester Centre, who are working on early detection of different cancers, will take part in their first Tough Mudder on 14 May.

  • Access and training

    Learn more about the access and training for the Electron Microscopy Facility in the Core Biotechnology Services.

  • Parliamentary debates cite Leicesters research

    The work of our University has been cited in two separate debates in Parliament. At Westminster debates, research in our College of Medicine, Biological Sciences and Psychology has been cited twice in the same week.

  • Crocus Sundays signal the arrival of spring alongside hedgehog display for children

    The springtime blooming of crocuses in the Botanic Garden will this year be accompanied by the unusual sight of thousands of salt-dough hedgehogs in March.

  • Inspirational women at Leicester

    The Tab's Future 100, a definitive list of women at UK universities who are set to achieve incredible things in the future, includes seven fantastic women from our University. The recently launched 2018 edition, in partnership with J.P.

  • Dr Grant Dewson

    Find out more about Dr Grant Dewson, alumnus of the University of Leicester Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation.

  • The death penalty and international anti-drug operations

    A human rights campaigner is to speak at our University on how European Union support for anti-drug operations internationally should change in light of the increased use of the death penalty for drug offences.

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