
10384 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Made in Italy. Italian Design and Fashion in the 20th and 21st Century

    Module code: IT3146 In this module, we will explore the history and evolution of Italian design and fashion, two of the most important industries and major sources of Italian soft power.

  • University of Leicester alumnus breaks into European opera circuit

    Dr Jenkins recently made the trip to Germany to watch Liam perform as lead baritone, Escamillo in Carmen at Mainz Opera House. Dr Jenkins said: “Music at the University of Leicester is a student-led recreational activity.

  • Public invited to explore what it means to be at home

    During Poverty Action Week 2018, members of the public are invited to visit our University to attend an event which will explore citizenship, belonging and what it means to create a sense of home for ourselves, and others.

  • First glimpse into the core of a planet

    The surviving core of a planet has been discovered orbiting a distant star by a team of academics, including University of Leicester astronomers, offering the first ever glimpse inside of a planet.

  • Change makers of the future launch Go Green Week

    From 10–14 February 2020, the University of Leicester will be hosting Go Green Week, an annual campaign to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability and encourage positive change among students and staff.

  • Experts to explore what a good Brexit is for city and county

    The roadmap to Leicester and Leicestershire’s post-Brexit prosperity is to be explored at a meeting of minds organised by our University that will see professional and academic expertise, and the general public answer the question: ‘What would a good Brexit look like for...

  • New community archaeology project in Market Bosworth receives Lottery funding

    Bosworth Links - a new community archaeology project that provides residents the opportunity to carry out excavations in order to learn more about their town’s history has received a grant of £29,000 by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

  • Pyramid of Geezers how to assemble a perfect human pyramid

    Physics students have calculated the formula for a perfect human pyramid – and have found that the best suited candidates to achieve maximum height are groups of men, women and children.

  • University professor joins stars in cancer fight

    A leading scientist from our University has teamed up with Cancer  Research UK and Channel 4 to launch a celebrity-backed fund-raiser.

  • Art and sociology help to reveal lives of British South Asian Women

    Leicester sociologists will collaborate with a local artist to bring new insights to their research into the experiences of migrant communities in the UK.

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