
9364 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Contemporary Museum Contexts

    Module code: MU7012 In this module, you'll sketch out the social, cultural and historical landscapes within which museums are located.

  • Kim Page

    The academic profile of Dr Kim Page, Swift Data Centre Scientist at University of Leicester

  • The characteristics of successful entrepreneurs?

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on November 17, 2014 A recent report by the Centre for Policy Studies revealed the backgrounds of over of 1,000 high earning individuals.

  • Research Students

    Our researcher development programme gives you the skills required to become effective researchers, to improve your employability and to enhance your capabilities.

  • Researcher wellbeing and research culture

    The wellbeing of research students is very important to the Programme and to the University of Leicester. Postgraduate students at the University have access to a wealth of resources designed to support their wellbeing and mental health while on the PhD and beyond.

  • Office health to be boosted by stand up campaign

    Office workers at Leicester’s three hospitals are being encouraged to stand up more on the job as part of a new health drive.

  • Treasure trove of planets hiding in dust

    Treasure trove of planets hiding in dust Stars|New research discovers 'super-Earths' forming around young stars New research by a team of international astronomers, including a University of Leicester researcher, has found that ‘super-Earths’ and Neptune-sized...

  • The Aesthetics of Authenticity in the Modern Chain Pub – University of Leicester

    Discussion of a book chapter about the "Pub Authenticity-Value Aesthetic" in relation to the JD Wetherspoon pub chain, recently published in an edited volume Biographies of Drink (CSP, 2015)

  • What's on offer

    We have a broad range of enrichment activities and information sessions available for all year groups including for Access to HE students, both on campus and in schools and colleges.

  • Volunteering

    Few things look better on your CV than your volunteering experiences. Here at Leicester we can help you find fulfilling volunteering opportunities.

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