Co-investigators| Principal investigators
New physiotherapy clinic launched at the University of Leicester
A new student led physiotherapy clinic is set to open next month (September) at the University of Leicester
Leicester maths graduates awarded fellowships with National Institute for Health and Care Research
Two University of Leicester graduates have been awarded fellowships with the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). Rahma Said and Mahfuza Anisa both studied BSc Mathematics and graduated at De Montfort Hall last month.
Archiving our Centenary
Discover how our Archives and Special Collections team have been making exciting new discoveries about the people and events that made the University of Leicester.
Our History
Plans were announced in 1917 for a new college of higher education in Leicester, as a memorial to the sacrifices made by local people during the First World War.
April Fools No we are not changing our name
Today’s brilliant April Fool story in the Independent has generated a lot of discussion on social media, with many people citing it as their favourite jape of the day and others apparently duped. This leading South African news website seems to have accepted the story as genuine.
University student benefits from new student finance package
First-year English student becomes one of the first to benefit from generous financial support.
Leicester academic speaks at UCLA symposium on race and human rights
The University of Leicester was represented by Dr Vidya Kumar, Associate Professor of Law at Leicester Law School, at a symposium titled ‘Critical Perspectives on Race and Human Rights: Transnational Re-Imaginings’, held at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on...
Research seminars
The School of Geography, Geology and the Environment hosts numerous research seminars relating to Earth and Environmental Sciences and Human Geography, where external and internal speakers present the results of their latest research.
Asthma pill targets airway muscles to decrease attacks
asthma pills asthmatic person holding an inhaler|Results from a phase II clinical trial, experimental work on cells and computational modelling have together shown why the first pill for asthma in 20 years can help reduce asthma attacks.