
16393 results for: ‘%s’

  • Environmental Archaeology

    Module code: AR2008 How do we know what a society ate? What crops they grew and what animals they herded? One way to establish the relationship between ancient societies and the environments they lived in is by studying core materials such as plant remains, molluscs, animal...

  • Statistical Data Analysis

    Module code: MA2206 Statistics is the branch of mathematics that is used in the study of data, trends and uncertainties and is a fundamental aspect of data analysis for empirical scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

  • Practical Programming

    Module code: PA7081 During this module you will learn to use scripting language Python. The course begins with basics of the general Python, e.g., variable types, flow control, functions, data input and output, operations with strings.

  • Kitchen table

    Read the article "The kitchen table" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.

  • Programming in R

    Module code: GY7022 R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R can be used for geographic data visualisation, and we will use R with a particular reference to current geocomputational research and applications.

  • C++ Programming and Advanced Algorithm Design

    Module code: CO7104 C++ is one of the world's most popular programming languages, due to its potential for producing efficient and compact code. As such any scientist wishing to develop efficient programs should be familiar with the use of its central features.

  • Leigh Greenwood

    Find out more about Leigh Greenwood, Baptist Chaplain, at the University of Leicester.

  • Experts provide diabetes prevention tips to Leicester insurance company

    Leicester Changing Diabetes project promotes wellbeing and good health to local company

  • Advanced Composite Materials

    Module code: EG7126 In this module you will be introduced to a subset of materials called composites, their uses, and the ways they can be analysed and used in engineering applications.

  • Advanced Composite Materials

    Module code: EG7126 In this module you will be introduced to a subset of materials called composites, their uses, and the ways they can be analysed and used in engineering applications.

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