University of Leicester specialist is recognised for a lifetime’s devotion to cancer research
A University of Leicester cancer specialist who has devoted his life to researching an aggressive fatal lung disease has been recognised for his work by the Academy of Medical Sciences.
Archaeological fieldschool
ULAS offers a 2 to 4 week fieldschool placement, intended for those who are interested in gaining understanding of archaeological investigations associated with commercial development.
Study shows rise in avoidable diabetes hospital visits
Hospital admissions for a short-term and avoidable complication of diabetes have risen by 39 per cent in the last ten years, a new analysis has concluded.
Ten things you can do to your module… without filling in a form
Posted by in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on November 26, 2018 It’s late in the Autumn semester, with the curriculum change period looming, and many of you will be digging out old module forms, and working out what you need to change over the...
Leicester diabetes researcher’s success honoured at international conference
A professor from the University of Leicester has received a prestigious award in recognition of his in-depth research in diabetes.
New research shows link between BMI and depression
New research by academics at the University of Leicester has found that your risk of depression increases with a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) – which is bad news for those who have put on the dreaded ‘corona-stone’ during lockdown.
Local schoolchildren to learn about Richard III discovery
For the third year running Leicester schoolchildren will learn the scientific and archaeological skills used to uncover King Richard III at a series of workshop days starting on Monday 23 February 2015.
Learn to speak Student
A university is a self-contained little world with its own language and jargon, which you will pick up during your time here. Use this page to get up to speed with some of the essentials.
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The ninth Sustainable Development Goal is to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
New report shows UK ‘poorly prepared’ to reach net-zero carbon economy
The UK Government must take urgent action to deliver a ‘just transition’ for workers as the country shifts towards a greener economy, according to a new study.