Freedom of information
See your rights to access data held by the University under the freedom of information act (2000).
Integrated Histories of the Andaman Islands
ESRC Research Grant (£110,934) October 2009 - March 2013 Professor Clare Anderson This 3-year ESRC funded research project was a UK-India collaboration with the anthropologist Prof. Vishvajit Pandya and the historian of science, Dr Madhumita Mazumdar.
Unknown facts about Outer Space and the Cold War
Dr Bleddyn Bowen, expert in space politics and military technology in outer space, provides insights into Cold War history.
UKRI - IAA funding project support
LD3 and MRC Confidence in Concept scheme aims and remit.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Museum and Society follows the guidelines for scholarly editing, research and writing as set out by COPE.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The EU General Data Protection Regulations were accepted into UK law in 2018 as the UK Data Protection Act. Find out how we plan to stay compliant to ensure data transfers run smoothly after Brexit.
Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence
Module code: EG4115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.
Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence
Module code: EG7115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.
Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence
Module code: EG4115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.
Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence
Module code: EG7115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.