
13032 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Internet and Cloud Computing

    Module code: CO4219 Internet-based communication has become essential for our society and economy. Furthermore, the advent of cloud computing has revolutionised the way in which data is stored and processed.

  • Intellectual Property Law

    Module code: LW3380 Intellectual Property encompasses a vast array of artistic, technological and economic endeavours that permeate our daily lives. IP has, over the last 20-30 years, attracted growing attention from commercial, political and legal disciplines.

  • 3rd May 2013 Sol 263

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 3, 2013 Our first image has come back after conjunction.  Here is the Chemcam remote microimager (RMI) of our titanium calibration target.

  • Travel to campus and parking

    Everything you need is close by in The City accommodation. For any journeys you can't complete on foot, find out more about parking, travelling by bike and buses.

  • Here to Hear - sexual violence survivor guide

    Immediate threat SafeZone App Urgent assistance alert system 24/7 access Campus Security 0116 252 2888 24/7 access Emergency 999 Initial steps Juniper Lodge Medical, forensic, reporting and support 0116 273 3330 Open...

  • Resources

    Access free online resources about good practices to work with or teach students from refugee backgrounds

  • Study shows large gender imbalance in funding given for cancer research

    Male researchers receive far greater funding for cancer research than their female equivalents, suggests a study involving University of Leicester research and published in the journal BMJ Open.

  • School of Chemistry prizes and prize winners

    The School of Chemistry at the University of Leicester has a number of prestigious undergraduate prizes that are awarded to students at various points during their degrees.

  • Case studies

    An introduction to epigenetics ethics and the resources available to students looking for help with their research.

  • Training the next generation of Black health data scientists

    The University of Leicester has partnered with Health Data Research UK and BREATHE – The Health Data Research Hub for Respiratory Health to offer an internship programme providing paid work experience to future Black data scientists; a group currently under-represented within...

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