
16376 results for: ‘%s’

  • Scientific Computing

    Module code: MA3012 This module will introduce you to numerical approaches to scientific problems, as they arise in various applications. The list of possible problems where computers can be used is very large.

  • Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis

    Module code: BS2004 This module aims to further develop your data analysis abilities. As a scientist, you will be presented with ever more complicated experimental designs, as you become interested in the effects of more and more factors.

  • Scientific Computing

    Module code: MA3012 This module will introduce you to numerical approaches to scientific problems, as they arise in various applications. The list of possible problems where computers can be used is very large.

  • Scientific Computing

    Module code: MA3012 This module will introduce you to numerical approaches to scientific problems, as they arise in various applications. The list of possible problems where computers can be used is very large.

  • Contemporary Techniques in Biological Data Analysis

    Module code: BS2004 This module aims to further develop your data analysis abilities. As a scientist, you will be presented with ever more complicated experimental designs, as you become interested in the effects of more and more factors.

  • French Conversational Elementary A2+

    Spanish Conversational Course at Leicester University

  • Download our apps

    Information about the MyUoL, MyWellbeing and SafeZone apps for you to download as a University of Leicester student.

  • The Earle Robinson collection

    The Earle Robinson collection is made up of interviews conducted in the 90s with Earle Robinson, a leading member of Leicester's Jamaican community and the Leicester United Caribbean Association (LUCA). Find out more about the collection.

  • Medicinal Chemistry BSc

    Every infection-fighting and disease-treating drug owes a great debt to chemistry. In this degree, you’ll be given a solid grounding in chemistry and its role alongside drug development.

  • Language Testing and Assessment

    Module code: EN7507 Language testing is endemic to 21st century society. It is used to screen students for entry to educational institutions, employ professionals such as pilots and health professionals, and restrict immigration.

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