
16376 results for: ‘%s’

  • Archiving and preserving recordings

    Before beginning your project, it is important to carve out a way in which to archive and preserve your recordings and notes. Learn more.

  • Recombinant DNA and genetic techniques for higher education

    Information on recombinant techniques for higher education students, including links to relevant resources and pages.

  • About

    The University of Leicester social epigenetics lab is researching DNA methylation in insect models to investigate how it affects bees' social biology and environmental response.

  • Materials Researchers reflect on Postgraduate Internships

    Materials Centre Postgraduate Researchers, Dana Thompson and Sarah Key, have written about their experiences of completing internships earlier this year.

  • Exploring medieval culture and art

    Professor Joanna Story explores early medieval culture and art through well-travelled manuscripts from scholars and scribes of the time.

  • Body Donation Programme

    Our Body Donation Programme gives you the opportunity to contribute towards the medical education of future doctors, by donating your body to us after death. Find out more about the process of donating your body.

  • Art Meets Radar

    Pedro Rodriguez Veiga , University staff member has entered a piece entitled 'Art Meets Radar'.

  • The Victorian Art World: People, Movements and Museums

    Module code: HS7254 This module will allow you to explore the fascinating and complex world of Victorian visual art. You will explore some of the most important paintings of the period and the people and ideas behind them.

  • Histories of Violence

    Module code: HS2236 Over the course of this module you’ll be examining the role violence plays and played in human history, through two highly engaging and strikingly different historical studies, each directly connected to the research expertise of the module tutors.

  • Jack-the-Ripper: Crime, Popular Culture and Policing in Victorian Times

    Module code: HS2328 You’ll be examining the moral and cultural climate associated with the 19th century underworld of Victorian society.

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