Scientific Inference
Module code: PA4602 Science is not about certainty but dealing with uncertainty through rigorous testing, and one of the tools used to accomplish this is statistical inference. Data analysis and statistical thinking are essential aspects of all modern science.
Scientific Data Analysis
Module code: PA7111 Science is not about certainty but dealing with uncertainty through rigorous testing, and one of the tools used to accomplish this is statistical inference. Data analysis and statistical thinking are essential aspects of all modern science.
Scientific Inference
Module code: PA4602 Science is not about certainty but dealing with uncertainty through rigorous testing, and one of the tools used to accomplish this is statistical inference. Data analysis and statistical thinking are essential aspects of all modern science.
Language Testing and Assessment 1
Module code: EN7301 Language testing is endemic to 21st century society. It is used to screen students for entry to educational institutions, employ professionals such as pilots and health professionals, and restrict immigration.
Redefining the Role of Botanic Gardens - Towards a New Social Purpose
The aim of this project was to examine the social role of botanic gardens in the UK.
Facilities and Services
ECMC support service The Leicester Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) is jointly funded by Cancer Research UK and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Acta Sanctorum All 68 volumes of the Acta Sanctorum as published by the Société des Bollandistes. The encyclopaedia documents the lives of Saints from 1643 to 1940, organised by each saint's feast day.
1 million investment in Informatics to enhance Big Data offer to science and business
A £1 million investment into the Department of Informatics at our University will develop capacity to work on Big Data with business and industry.
University Provost reflects on changing attitudes to sexuality on campus over thirty years
As LGBT+ history month draws to a close, University Provost Professor Mark Peel has spoken about his personal experience of the changing attitudes towards sexuality on university campuses in a piece for the Times Higher Education, which is reposted on the University...
2 million boost for Leicester scientists to tackle hardtotreat cancers
Scientists in Leicester are set to benefit from almost £2 million to look into new ways to treat lung cancer and pancreatic cancer, two types of the disease that are among the most difficult to treat.