
13037 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Extraordinary artist to be celebrated at literary festival

    The eighth Literary Leicester festival is to celebrate the ‘extraordinary contribution to British art’ of a Leicester artist and writer at an event discussing the life and work of Leicester artist and writer Rigby Graham.

  • Concert to celebrate life of gifted teacher in Chemistry

    A concert is being held at the University to celebrate the life of Dr Martin Harger, Emeritus Reader in the Department of Chemistry, who worked in the Department for more than 38 years and died recently after a short illness.

  • Students to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe

    Vatican murder mystery comedy Cardinal Sin, which has been produced by five Leicester students, will be finding its way to the stage at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe between 17 and 23 August.

  • Lecture to explore the science of colour

    Why is fire yellow? Why is your gas hob blue? What makes traffic lights red, amber and green? These phenomena and many others will be examined in a free public lecture on Thursday 17 September at the Ground Floor Lecture Theatre 3 of the Ken Edwards Building at 6.30pm.

  • Scholarships

    Read more about the scholarships available to students looking to apply to Leicester Law School, including scholarships for Canadian and Malaysian students.

  • John Bridges: Mars Science Laboratory Blog

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on July 27, 2012   From April 2017  the URL for this blog has moved to:

  • Beagle 2 lander found on Mars

    The UK-led Beagle 2 was due to land on Mars on 25 December 2003. The spacecraft was ejected from Mars Express on 19 December 2003. Nothing had been heard from Beagle 2 and the mission was presumed lost. Until now.

  • Sweet genes – not sweet dreams - could explain why a bad night’s sleep makes you older

    New funding support to research teams at University of Leicester to study sleep’s effects on ageing epigenetics Changes to our DNA occur as we get older and could be affected by sleep disturbance Scientists aim to find out whether this epigenetic clock plays a...

  • Female-line family tree

    Every one of us, males and females alike, inherit our mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from our biological mother. However, only females, through birth, can pass this onto subsequent generations.

  • Accretion Physics

    On the smallest scales, close binary systems containing black holes offer a highly tractable route to studying accretion processes such as disc formation and stability.

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