Recording equipment and all things digital
History at the University of Leicester - Building and Enriching Shared Heritages project. This guide offers tips and advice on using sound recorders, microphones, archiving, and editing sound.
Ichthyosaur skull in Leicester museum reveals Jurassic secrets
A new scientific study has re-examined a series of fossil skulls from the UK, providing new insights into two species of extinct marine reptiles.
Signal Processing
Module code: EG7324 This module covers both the analysis and synthesis of discrete-time systems and the two main areas of signal processing: Digital filters and spectrum analysis.
Signal Processing
Module code: EG7324 This module covers both the analysis and synthesis of discrete-time systems and the two main areas of signal processing: Digital filters and spectrum analysis.
Urban Topography: Image and Reality, 1540-1840
Module code: HS7202 This course spans a period of three hundred years, but the primary emphasis is on the 'long eighteenth-century' – a period during which there was unprecedented urban growth and a vigorous outpouring of literary, artistic and cartographic...
Trustworthy Autonomous Systems
This group aims at developing robust and trustworthy autonomous systems for a range of environments. The autonomous systems may be in extreme environments such as space, sea, or in environments where they interact with humans, or may be limited in computational resources.
Signal Processing
Module code: EG7324 This module covers both the analysis and synthesis of discrete-time systems and the two main areas of signal processing: Digital filters and spectrum analysis.
Economics of Education
Module code: EC3044 Most countries around the world require their citizen to achieve a certain level of education, however the quality and availability varies widely and is very much dependent on economic, societal and cultural factors.
Economics of Education
Module code: EC3044 Most countries around the world require their citizen to achieve a certain level of education, however the quality and availability varies widely and is very much dependent on economic, societal and cultural factors.
Economics of Education
Module code: EC3044 Most countries around the world require their citizen to achieve a certain level of education, however the quality and availability varies widely and is very much dependent on economic, societal and cultural factors.