
13037 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Andrew Dunn: Page 127

    Academic Librarian.

  • Andrew Dunn: Page 20

    Academic Librarian.

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • Leicester scientists discover ‘Star Wars’ planet

    Scientists from the University of Leicester has revealed for the first time that groups of stars can tear apart their planet-forming disc, leaving it warped and with tilted rings - similar to the planet Tatooine in Star Wars.

  • Resources

    Resources on recombinant techniques are available on The University of Leicester's website, all with descriptions and links.

  • Leading Leicester cardiologists nominated for British Heart Foundation Heart Hero award

    Two leading Leicester doctors who have put their “heart and soul” into pioneering medical research have been nominated for a top regional award later this year.

  • Leicester diabetes professor awarded honorary degree

    An internationally recognised diabetes professor from Leicester has been presented with an honorary degree from the university he graduated from as a doctor in 1984.

  • Welcome Postdoc Zedong Zheng – University of Leicester

    The Arch-I-Scan project welcomes Zedong Zheng as new Postdoctoral Research Associate (Mathematics).

  • Stories of a Different Kind

    Stories of a Different Kind - an action research project, culminating in the performance 'Cabinet of Curiosities: How disability was kept in a box', that explores how museum collections can be used to engage audiences in debate and to tackle contemporary social issues...

  • Network Participants

    Meet the team involved in this exciting international research network brought together to develop our understanding of the historical, cultural, political and socioeconomic contexts of crime in the Caribbean.

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