Planetary Physics
Module code: PA3606 This module will build on your knowledge in speciality physics by further exploring topics in planetary physics. This module is split into three key areas, planetary and exoplanetary physics, Astrobiology and climate physics.
Mental health relating to childbearing
Module code: MW2013 This module includes lead lectures and workshops facilitated by subject specialists, such as specialist midwives and perinatal mental health psychologists, case studies, service users’ experiences, group work, role-play and guided independent study.
Social Movements
Module code: SY3092 This module will provide an analysis of social movements from a sociological and interdisciplinary perspective.
Crystallisation robots
Learn about the crystallisation robots in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Leicester.
Alex Young
We have learned, with sadness, of the death of Dr Alex Young, who taught Engineering at Leicester in the 1960s and 1970s. Dr Young, who was an expert in the use of concrete in civil engineering, passed away in Cambridge on 23 October 2024.
Santa’s sleigh flies with the power of the Apollo mission rocket
Santa’s sleigh would require equivalent thrust to that produced by the Saturn V rocket or 150 Boeing 747-400 engines, University of Leicester students have found.
Learn how to write a CV and how to best showcase your experiences and skills.
Discover the activities we offer tp primary school students between years 4-6.
Space Lates 2022: Get Into Astronomy
Learn how you can get into astronomy at the National Space Centre's first Space Lates of 2022, 18:00-21:00, 14 January 2022.
The Story of Pulque, Part 1
Posted by Deborah Toner in Consuming Authenticities on March 10, 2015 In the 17th century, the Mexican historian Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl recorded a pre-Columbian legend about the origins of pulque.