
16391 results for: ‘%s’

  • Twenty-First Century Global Fiction

    Module code: EN3200 What characterises twenty-first century fiction? Does it have distinctive formal and thematic features? What does it tell us about the times we are living in? As Peter Boxall notes, the contemporary moment is ‘always difficult to bring into focus, and...

  • Disclaimer

    Get more information on our legal disclaimer regarding the University of Leicester.

  • The Latin World: Ancient, Medieval and Modern

    Module code: HS2027 The Latin world is deeply ingrained within our own culture and language, and this module explores how this came to be.

  • The Latin World: Ancient, Medieval and Modern

    Module code: HS2027 The Latin world is deeply ingrained within our own culture and language, and this module explores how this came to be.

  • The Latin World: Ancient, Medieval and Modern

    Module code: HS2027 The Latin world is deeply ingrained within our own culture and language, and this module explores how this came to be.

  • Ceramics research laboratory

    Our ceramics laboratory can be used for the preparation of a range of archaeological and geological materials for their use in transmitted microscopy.

  • Percy Gee Building

    Percy Gee is open from 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday where social seating spaces can be found in the following locations.  Common Room The Student Union Common Room is based in the lower ground floor of the building.

  • Religious Conflict and Coexistence

    Module code: HS7311 Religious History is a major field of historical enquiry, indispensable for making sense of the medieval and the early modern, as well as the contemporary world, including the multi-faith city of Leicester.

  • DEFRA Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    This research project carried out by DEFRA will quantify greenhouse gas fluxes from fenland under different land use to derive recommendations for land management and climate mitigation policies.

  • Media spotlight on Engineering Building roof project

    The project to replace the roof and glazed facades of our world-famous Engineering Building and preserve its heritage has been the subject of an in-depth feature in Construction Manager Magazine.

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