Frequently asked questions
If you have a question about the Body Donation Programme at Leicester Medical School, feel free to browse our FAQs to see if we already have an answer.
Senate Regulation 5, exceptional variation for students who were due to graduate in 2020
5.1 Variation from this scheme will normally only be permitted where there is a requirement from a professional or statutory legal body, and must be approved by the Education Committee. Any such variations shall be specified in the programme specification.
Senate Regulation 5: Students who commenced their studies before 2018/19 and are due to graduate in 2021 or later
5.1 Variation from this scheme will normally only be permitted where there is a requirement from a professional or statutory legal body, and must be approved by the Education Committee. Any such variations shall be specified in the programme specification.
The following posters were displayed at the Midlands Racial Equality in Medicine Network Conference on 11th March: 1. An Extended Literature Review on the Racial Disparities that Exist in the Management of Sickle Cell Disease in the UK.
Mathematics MMath
This four-year degree expands on the Mathematics BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into relevant professions. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research.
The 2D Problem
The 2D Problem Limitation of 2D The diagram below the cross section of several 3D-shapes.
University data allows members of the public to search for land use in their area of the UK based on postcode
For the first time, members of the public can now search for how the land is used in their local area of the United Kingdom based on their postcode, thanks to research conducted by our Centre for Landscape and Climate Research (CLCR).
Chemistry MChem
This four-year degree expands on the Chemistry BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into the industry. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research.
Satellite data to help map endangered monkey populations on Earth
A team of scientists led by the Universities of Leicester and East Anglia are leading research to protect wildlife by using satellite data to identify monkey populations that have declined through hunting.
Varsity rugby: Leicester vs DMU