
8675 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Andrew McLeish BSc

    Learn more about our Senior Supervisor in ULAS, Andrew McLeish.

  • Tim HIggins MA

    Learn more about our Project Officer of ULAS, Tim Higgins.

  • Managing Translation Project

    Module code: TS3005 In this module, seminars and workshops will be conducted to discuss and reflect on the steps of managing a translation project.

  • Consumer Behaviour

    Module code: MN7548 Module Outline Marketing practice and theory is underpinned by in-depth knowledge of the purchasing and consumption behaviour of customers.

  • Place, Branding and Tourism

    Module code: MN3144 We've all been guilty of feeling pangs of jealousy when photos of exotic destinations or cool city breaks pop up on our Instagram feed.

  • Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics

    Module code: NT3003 An important part of being a scientist (as well as many other professions) is the ability to make connections between the vast quantity of information you have at your command, and being able to utilise the knowledge and techniques you have previously...

  • Computational Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics

    Module code: CH4207 Computational chemistry is the use of computer modelling and simulation - including ab initio approaches based on quantum chemistry and mechanics - to study the structures and properties of molecules and materials.

  • Methods in Physical Chemistry 2

    Module code: CH7006 Computational chemistry is the use of computer modelling and simulation - including ab initio approaches based on quantum chemistry and mechanics - to study the structures and properties of molecules and materials.

  • Computational Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics

    Module code: CH7307 Computational chemistry is the use of computer modelling and simulation - including ab initio approaches based on quantum chemistry and mechanics - to study the structures and properties of molecules and materials.

  • MChem Research Skills, Employability and General Paper

    Module code: CH3270 This module offers a great opportunity to develop your general chemistry skills through a variety of different methods. You'll submit a paper, in which you will solve unseen synoptic chemistry problems.

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