
7736 results for: ‘Primary Education’

  • Blast off! University supports launch of Rocket Round Leicester

    Laura Betts, Fundraising Manager at LOROS Hospice and Rocket Round Leicester Project Manager said: “We’re excited to bring Rocket Round Leicester the city and inject colour and conversation back to the streets.

  • Embedded Systems and Control Engineering MSc

    In a rapidly evolving world driven by technological progress, embedded systems and control engineering stand at the forefront of innovation.

  • Sir David Samworth

    The University has learned, with regret, of the death of local businessman Sir David Samworth, Honorary Graduate and generous donor. Born in Birmingham, David Samworth was educated at Uppingham School in Rutland.

  • 'The Isolated Baronet' Calke Abbey and RCMG address contemporary isolation and loneliness

    Read more about ideas relating to contemporary isolation and loneliness - a research project led by the Research Centre for Museums and Galleries.

  • International experts debate safe space future for humanity at University of Leicester

    Space Park Leicester hosted a successful conference on space security and safety.

  • Universitys Festival of Careers breaks records

    Last week saw the fourth annual Festival of Careers run by the Career Development Service.

  • Oral history in Leicestershire

    Browse projects and oral history materials from Leicestershire, including the 100 stories of migration project, which documents 100 people who left their homes in another country to live in Leicester.

  • Environmental Science BSc

    From climatic changes and natural hazards to shifting tectonic plates, our planet is constantly reshaping itself. By studying the science behind physical geography, you can better tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

  • Chemistry MChem

    This four-year degree expands on the Chemistry BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into the industry. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research.

  • Where to dig

    We identified three potential areas of excavation – the Leicester City Council Social Services car park, the former Alderman Newton’s School playground and a private car park to the west of New Street.

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