
8678 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Environmental and Resource Economics

    Module code: EC2053 In this module, we will learn about the interdependence between the economy and the environment. We will discuss the concept of market failure and why it is crucial in environmental economics. We will study some alternative remedies to market failures.

  • Software Reliability

    Module code: CO4209 All over the world, appliances using analog and mechanical parts are being phased out and replaced by CPUs and software.

  • Plane Geometry

    Module code: MA1272 This module covers the field of Axiomatic Euclidean Geometry through a series of lectures, presentations and group problem solving.

  • MBiolSci Research Project (Neuroscience)

    Module code: BS4603 The research project is your chance to undertake an independent research project and plan and carry out all phases of a substantial empirical project.

  • Immunology and Eukaryotic Microbiology

    Module code: BS2032 Do you know your closest companions? Take BS2032 and discover how we live in a world dominated by bacteria, parasites and fungi. Using lectures and practical hands-on activities you will learn about the microbial world and our response to it.

  • Strategic Brand Management

    Module code: MN2107 Branding breathes life into companies and organizations, giving them a distinctive voice and personality. It sets products apart and infuses the purchasing process with emotion.

  • Management Accounting

    Module code: MN7035 Management accounting is critical to decision-making within businesses and organisations, and this module will introduce you to advanced techniques and tools used in the field.

  • Financial Modelling

    Module code: MN7387 During this module, you'll gain a thorough understanding of financial management, and you'll start by summarising financial information in a format useful for decision making.

  • Advanced Synthetic Methods

    Module code: CH4202 During the course of your time here at Leicester, you would have explored various synthetic methods of obtaining products. In this module, you'll build upon this, examining more advanced techniques and methods.

  • Advanced Analytical Chemistry

    Module code: CH3206 In this module, you will learn the fundamental principles underlying many modern analytical techniques and discover their real-world applications in areas such as sensors, energy storage, catalysis, engineering materials, extraction of natural resources...

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