
8678 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Advanced Synthetic Methods

    Module code: CH4202 During the course of your time here at Leicester, you would have explored various synthetic methods of obtaining products. In this module, you'll build upon this, examining more advanced techniques and methods.

  • Advanced Synthetic Methods

    Module code: CH7302 You will likely have already explored various synthetic methods during your undergraduate studies. In this module, you'll build upon this, examining more advanced techniques and methods.

  • Advanced Analytical Chemistry

    Module code: CH3206 In this module, you will learn the fundamental principles underlying many modern analytical techniques and discover their real-world applications in areas such as sensors, energy storage, catalysis, engineering materials, extraction of natural resources...

  • Forensic Science

    Module code: CH3212 During your time at Leicester, you will have developed knowledge of a strong portfolio of analytical and physical characterisation techniques commonly used in a chemical context. In this module, you will focus this knowledge on forensic applications.

  • Social and Developmental Psychology

    Module code: PS2102 This module aims to provide a broad coverage of social and developmental psychology.

  • MRes Project

    Module code: PS7603 The MRes project is your chance to undertake an independent research project and plan and carry out all phases of a substantial empirical project.

  • Engineering Project Management

    Module code: EG7311 Project management plays a critical role in the success of engineering projects, and successful management ensures that projects are delivered on time and on budget.

  • Systems Reliability and Sustainability

    Module code: EG4201 In a world increasingly focused on sustainable development and reliable engineering solutions, mastering the principles of systems reliability and sustainability is crucial.

  • Hybrid and Electric Propulsion Systems

    Module code: EG4212 As the world shifts towards more sustainable modes of transportation with particular interests on electrifications, understanding hybrid and electric propulsion systems is key to driving this transformation.

  • History of Italian Cinema

    Module code: IT2012 This module offers an introduction to the history of Italian cinema throughout the 20th century. You will explore the work of selected directors and key texts, and will learn to place them in their historical context.

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