Lifechanging scholarships announced at Leicester
The University has announced the names of its 2016 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholars. These students have been awarded Scholarships by the the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK to allow them to pursue a Master’s course while living in their home countries.
Professor Sir Hans Kornberg
Hans Kornberg with colleagues in 1974. L-R: Geoff Turnock, Arthur Rowe, unknown, David Critchley, Hans Kornberg, Ron Cooper, unknown, Colin Jones, Peter Henderson(possibly), Ken Jones (photo: Chris Willmott) The Biochemistry Department in 1974.
New research study launches to improve pressure injury care for children with dark skin tones in hospitals
Researchers at the University of Leicester (UoL) are leading a clinical research study aimed at preventing pressure injuries in children and young people with dark skin tones in hospitals
Well-being, Performance and Justice
Find out more on the School of Business' well-being, performance and justice research cluster
Talking points a range of topical issues tackled by academics 18 June 1 July
Professor Philip Shaw from the School of English has written an opinion piece for The Conversation where, two centuries after Waterloo, he discusses the famous painting commissioned by the Duke of Wellington after he triumphed over Napoleon.
Seminars and events
LeMID host a range of seminars and events with internal and external professionals, presenting a variety of ground-breaking research.
Using an RTOS in Reliable Embedded Systems
Module code: EG7550 Emerging embedded systems perform complex application workloads (i.e. billions of object code instructions), which are divided among multiple threads/tasks, aiming to scale effectively up system performance.
Recent Research Funding Awards
Read our case studies to get a taste of some of the amazing research that happens in the School of Museum Studies.
Geology with Foundation Year BSc
In geology, the path towards progress isn’t always smooth, nor is it with learning. If you don’t quite have the entry requirements to study geology at Leicester, this STEM Foundation Year degree will show you a different path.
Message from the Vice-Chancellor regarding lockdown
As you know, last night Health Minister Matt Hancock announced a lockdown of Leicester following a rise in COVID-19 rates in the City.