
9709 results for: ‘map’


    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on January 25, 2021 US newspaper front pages from events of historical and educational significance, from 9/11 to the Women’s March and School Walkout to firsts in politics.

  • Robert MacFarlane

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on July 26, 2021 Robert Macfarlane, scientist and writer, has been on Desert Island Discs.

  • The Giant Bible of Mainz

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on October 7, 2022 The Giant Bible of Mainz Digitized by the Library of Congress   Famous for being one of the last handwritten by a scribe in 1450s.

  • Discovery of interior wonders reveal Rutland villa owners' lavish lifestyle

    New evidence points to the complex housing one of Britain’s earliest barn conversions

  • Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: Thesis format and submission (9.178-9.207)

    Thesis submission  9.

  • Archives and Special Collections Access Policy

    Introduction This policy documents how the University Library provides access to its Archives and Special Collections for learning and teaching; research; public engagement and outreach.

  • EDI workshops

    Delegates attending were able to participate in online workshops from the choice below: Workshop 1: Conversations with learners: using the arts in undergraduate medical education to challenge thinking about diversity and professional behaviours Workshop...

  • Debating Crimea

    Posted by Olga Suhomlinova in School of Business Blog on March 27, 2014 Dr Olga Suhomlinova, Lecturer in Management at the School, responds to a question which she now finds herself expected to answer “So, what do you think about Crimea?” This is the most frequent question I...

  • Gibraltar’s Economic Problems and the UK’s Role in Solving Them

    Posted by Chris Grocott in School of Business Blog on December 18, 2013   Dr.

  • Carceral Archipelago: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

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