Physics Special Topics
Module code: PA4980 By producing the department’s own Journal of Physics Special Topics, you will gain experience as a researcher, author and editor, and referee of scientific papers.
Digital Arts Lab
Module code: CO1110 The module has four components: digital arts practice; seminar series; tutorial programme; guided independent study. You will work on digital arts projects, either individually or in groups, that provides experience in a real-world context.
Leicester receives world-class bioscience investment
Our University has been awarded over £1.5million in order to advance knowledge and understanding in three key areas that impact on health.
Physics Special Topics
Module code: PA4980 By producing the department’s own Journal of Physics Special Topics, you will gain experience as a researcher, author and editor, and referee of scientific papers.
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Module code: NT3011 'Condensed Matter' explores the physics that underpins the behaviour of electrons in crystalline solid materials and is included in the Institute of Physics “core of physics” material.
Physics Special Topics
Module code: PA4980 By producing the department’s own Journal of Physics Special Topics, you will gain experience as a researcher, author and editor, and referee of scientific papers.
Abdul Jabbar
The academic profile of Dr Abdul Jabbar, Dean of Internationalisation, Associate Professor Data Strategy and Analytics
Andrew Dunn: Page 128
Academic Librarian.
Evelyn Waugh and His Circle: Reading and Editing the Complete Works
Posted by Barbara Cooke in Waugh and Words on May 27, 2014 As many of you might know already, in 2015 we are planning a glitzy international Evelyn Waugh conference here in Leicester. Richard III is SO 2013.
PGR Careers blog University of Leicester
PGR Careers blog from the University of Leicester